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Outlook add in error in behavior!!!!!!

Level 6

I have a problem with the behavior on my EV add in on outlook 2000/2003 client's. EV server 2007 SP5. 
My expirience is this, enabled user can archive and restore items from EV no problem, search and explorer works fine.

When the user marks a archived mail in outlook user gets the message body, but can not see the attachement if there.
But when he double click his archived mail he gets a message stating "this message is archived by EV, click on link ....."
When he tries to click the link nothing happens, by the way chort cut content is set to show content and not show properties.
So the behavior is wrong, 3 users out of 10 have this problem.

I have verified that correct policy is applyed to users mail archive, I've tried to reses EV client, tried fix mapi.
Tried to down grade to add in 2007 SP4 does not help.
Note!! The problem as far as i can see is locatec to the install/config of the add in on the users computer, reason for this is that the user can log on to another desktop and everything works fine.

Any Ideas?

Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Finally the problem was found.
The problem was as simple as DCOM components not installed  for office on the client computer..
After "repairing"  the office install adding DCOM everything worked perfect.


View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited
 can someone else logon to problem computer and have no issues?

Possibly fix it.

1. Re-create outlook profile.
2. Repair install of outlook - possible re-install.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Could you enable client logging, and try again, and then attach the logfile to your original post? (Hold down SHIFT + CTRL and click on one of the EV Buttons in the toolbar) Cheers

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Use the EV Client Reset utility.
How to run ResetEVClient.exe
1. Close out of Outlook
2. Double-click on ResetEVClient.exe in <install directory>\Enterprise Vault\EVClient.
3. Restart Outlook

Level 6
John -
Any user can logon to the problem computer and user have the same behavior, meaning it dont work. If any user logs on to a computer that works everything works fine.

MichelZ - 
Unfortunatly I dont have any logs avalible right now, but all logs I've taken from the problem computer shows nothing regarding my problem. Note that buttos are working, its how the preview behaves thats not working correctly.

Wayne - 
Ev reset does not help.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Kenneth Is your EV Mailbox Policy -> Advanced -> "Deploy Forms locally" set to "Always"? If not, could you try this?

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Is set to "Always"

Any other Idea?

Pherhaps, some kind of debugging of the Outlook add in install? I realy do think its the add in that does not register correctly.
We also tried to change behavior too HTTP only, too try to eliminate network problems.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
You can try to enable logging in the client and then reproduce your problem again and post the log. You enable logging by holding CTRL + SHIFT and clicking on an Enterprise Vault button. Cheers Michel

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Finally the problem was found.
The problem was as simple as DCOM components not installed  for office on the client computer..
After "repairing"  the office install adding DCOM everything worked perfect.