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Web Archive

Level 6

A few questions:


1) Is there a name for the web archive piece or is it just called web?

2) I created a bucked and added emails to the bucket. It then asked me to define the exchange server and mail alias. I do not want users to see this. If a user wants to restore their own email, these fields should be automatic since my users have no clue what the exchange server is or what their alias is?

3) Since I can define a user's alias, what controls the access to the mailbox. Is this still Exchange or since EV is using a service account, which has access to all mailboxes, we need to restrict this in EV?

4) When I clicked restore, it created a sub folder called restored and the web interface said "Restored". However, when looking in that folder there was no email. Is there a time period it takes to restore emails? If yes, where is this defined? Is this still part of Synchronization?




Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

1) Is there a name for the web archive piece or is it just called web?

The main search piece (Search.asp) is called Browser Search
The other search in Outlook (searcho2k.asp) is called Integrated Search
Archive Explorer (archiveExplorerUI.asp) is called Archive Explorer

Usually when people refer to the entire piece they call it the WebApp or web applications.
But most of the time people will just refer to Browser Search or what not

2) I created a bucked and added emails to the bucket. It then asked me to define the exchange server and mail alias. I do not want users to see this. If a user wants to restore their own email, these fields should be automatic since my users have no clue what the exchange server is or what their alias is?

Add it to the Ideas section as an enhancement request

3) Since I can define a user's alias, what controls the access to the mailbox. Is this still Exchange or since EV is using a service account, which has access to all mailboxes, we need to restrict this in EV?

The user restoring emails would need full account access to the other users mailbox
so if i'm logged in as DOMAIN\UserA and i want to restore my emails to DOMAIN\UserB mailbox, if i don't have full control of their mailbox, I will simply get an access denied, the same as if i was to just try and shove my emails in to another users mailbox

4) When I clicked restore, it created a sub folder called restored and the web interface said "Restored". However, when looking in that folder there was no email. Is there a time period it takes to restore emails? If yes, where is this defined? Is this still part of Synchronization?

The restore should occur pretty much instantaneously , you need to have the shopping service set up correctly and started and have storage service started and the users task up and running without issues either.

Take a look at the event logs on the ev server to see if there are any errors.
Also note that if you are doing hundreds of restores from a basket, it will more likely than not just fail.
Also try restoring a single item without using a shopping basket to determine whether its a mailbox issue or just a shopping cart issue etc

View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Are you referring to the WebApp search that you access via http://evserver/enterprisevault/search.asp?

That is know as the Web Application Browser Search, I typically just call it the WebApp Search.

For 2. have a read of this: Article URL

It says the following:

The values are passed to Search.asp only if the "Browser Search" hyperlink is utilized from Outlook.  If the local Internet Explorer cache has been cleared since the last time a restore was performed, and Search.asp is accessed directly through Internet Explorer, the fields in the image above will be blank and will require the user to provide this information.

For 3. Permissions set in Outlook are synched automatically if it is set to do so in the policy.  You can set permissions on the Archives, but this isn't set automatically, you have to manually set those.

For 4. Could you explain a bit more?  Did you try to restore back to the original mailbox?  If the WebApp said it was restored it should be back in the Exchange mailbox.


Edit=>I see JW2 has beat me to it!  :)

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

1) Is there a name for the web archive piece or is it just called web?

The main search piece (Search.asp) is called Browser Search
The other search in Outlook (searcho2k.asp) is called Integrated Search
Archive Explorer (archiveExplorerUI.asp) is called Archive Explorer

Usually when people refer to the entire piece they call it the WebApp or web applications.
But most of the time people will just refer to Browser Search or what not

2) I created a bucked and added emails to the bucket. It then asked me to define the exchange server and mail alias. I do not want users to see this. If a user wants to restore their own email, these fields should be automatic since my users have no clue what the exchange server is or what their alias is?

Add it to the Ideas section as an enhancement request

3) Since I can define a user's alias, what controls the access to the mailbox. Is this still Exchange or since EV is using a service account, which has access to all mailboxes, we need to restrict this in EV?

The user restoring emails would need full account access to the other users mailbox
so if i'm logged in as DOMAIN\UserA and i want to restore my emails to DOMAIN\UserB mailbox, if i don't have full control of their mailbox, I will simply get an access denied, the same as if i was to just try and shove my emails in to another users mailbox

4) When I clicked restore, it created a sub folder called restored and the web interface said "Restored". However, when looking in that folder there was no email. Is there a time period it takes to restore emails? If yes, where is this defined? Is this still part of Synchronization?

The restore should occur pretty much instantaneously , you need to have the shopping service set up correctly and started and have storage service started and the users task up and running without issues either.

Take a look at the event logs on the ev server to see if there are any errors.
Also note that if you are doing hundreds of restores from a basket, it will more likely than not just fail.
Also try restoring a single item without using a shopping basket to determine whether its a mailbox issue or just a shopping cart issue etc

Level 6

Ok, the mail finally showed up.


Now when i select an email click Store in Vault icon. The email changes to a vault archive, but when I check my virtual vault or archive explorer, I do not see it. Am I missing something?



never mind....I clicked synchronize vault icon and it appeared. I am assuming this synchronizes every 60 minutes.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Vault Cache and Virtual Vault does not synchronize every 60 minutes, it synchs every 24 hours or when you do a manual sync or when you have more than a certain amount of items to upload

Level 6

JW2--Thanks. How is virtual vault archiving different than Archive Explorer. I manually synched virtual vault and I see the email i selected to store. However, when going to Archive Explorer, it does not appear. In addition, when trying to restore the email, I highlight the email, but I receive an error stating that it is "Unable to restore because you have not selected any archived items. Select at least one archived item and try again".

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

OK so Archive Explorer and Virtual Vault are fundamentally different

Archive Explorer is a web page (http://yourEVServer/EnterpriseVault/ArchiveExplorerUI.asp) and for the most part is a read only view of your archive.

You can restore items back to the mailbox and if you have the ability to delete, you can delete items.
However you cannot move items from one location to another, or delete or rename folders.

Virtual Vault though relies on the Vault Cache which downloads email from the archive to seperate DB files (PST Files) held on the local machine cache, and presents itself through Outlook as an attached mailbox like a PST File within Outlook.

With Virtual Vault you can move items from your mailbox in to virtual vault, you can delete folders, rename them, copy them from one location to another.

However the changes you make, either deleting items, renaming folders, moving items, copying items from the Exchange mailbox to the Virtual Vault, these changes will only stay in the virtual vault until you synchronize the Vault Cache.

After it has been synced, you will be able to see the new changes in Archive Explorer or Browser Search etc.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Oh and you cannot choose an item in Virtual Vault and his Restore From Vault, you would have to simply copy the item from VV to the mailbox

Level 6

Ok, so if if I enable virtual vault and select an email in there, why am I revceiving that error message that I did not select an archived item. These items have been archived for weeks and I see them in Archive explorer.

The directory structure that says Vault-Username in Outlook, is that Virtual Vault or Cache?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

So in Outlook if you see something that looks like an attached Mailbox or PST file that says "Vault - Joe User" then this is indeed the Virtual Vault

If you want to restore an item from Virtual Vault to the users mailbox, you would simply drag and drop or copy and paste the item, because when you hit the restore from vault button in Outlook, this is for Shortcuts ONLY and they have to be in an online store.

So for instance if you hit Restore From Vault in your mailbox on a shortcut, this will work A-OK
If you select an unarchived item, it will say you must select an archived item to restore
If you select a shortcut held in an attached PST file, you will get an error saying that it must reside in your mailbox
If you select an item in your Virtual Vault it will tell you you have to select an archived item.

There are two reasons for this really.
First and foremost, the message class is a regular IPM.Note (an email), and an item that can be restored by Enterprise Vault would have to be IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut.

Secondly, the first thing that the Restore From Vault does is contact the webapp through clientaction.asp or restoreo2k.asp that gives it the mailbox, EV Server, Exchange Server and the location of the shortcut and then the Task will connect to the users mailbox , find the shortcut and replace it with the original item as found in Enterprise Vault.

However if its an attached PST file or Virtual Vault, Enterprise Vault cannot connect to that through Exchange, it can only connect to the live exchange mailbox only

Level 6

Ok, so which component is Cache so I can work offline and how do I identify it?  If i delete an email from cache, how can i restore it to cache? I am assuming, if I delete it from cache, it will NOT affect virtual vault.Will it automatically regenerate after a sync?


And I thought Virtual vault is archived items? Unless you are saying for virtual vault, non shortcuts, a drag and drop will restore while the shortcuts to restore is only meant for EV Shortcuts.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Virtual Vault is a view into the Vault Cache.  If you delete it an item in Virtual Vault it will sync the delete to the archive and remove it from there as well.

Please give these a thorough read.

Enterprise Vault - Virtual Vault Overview White Paper


346892.pdf (5.5 MBytes)

Refer to the PDF below for the Virtual Vault Best Practices.


Virtual Vault Best Practice Guide.pdf (473 kBytes)

Level 6


If I set Virtual Cache Max Size to 5GB, how do I know what is stored in Virtual Cache or Vault? As you indicated, Vault is a look into Cache. So when a user goes to Outlook and click on Vault-Username, which is virtual vault, how do I know what is stored in Cache or V.V.?

The basis of the question is if cache reaches 5GB it will start deleting old email. When the email gets deleted, will it also delete it from Vault? Is there away to put the email back into cache?

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

If the size limit of Vault Cache is reached the oldest items are removed from Vault Cache but will not be removed from the archive.

Everything will always be in the Archive on the EV server but the Vault Cache, local copy, will be subject to your limit and as I said previously the newest items will be in it.