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Monitor tapes I/O in NB Appliance

Level 3



Is there any way to get some I/O statistics of the FC tapes connected to a NB appliance. 

Networker can monitor the tapes I/O during the backups, but I could not find any solution in NB Appliance.

It does not show any FC tapes in iostat etc.






Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Correct, that is lacking in Linux. You can just monitor the bptm log and see what the performance is on the individual drives as it duplicates. Assume that is what you're after.


Level 3

That's sad, I thought they have implemented some systemtap or similar solution in the appliance.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Appliance is just SLES/RHEL. And there is no such feature in IOSTAT on those platforms. If you make one you can sell it :)

Level 3


There is a similar feature e.g. using systemtap, but it cannot be used in appliance due to the missing dependencies/packages (kernel headers, dev packages gcc, make etc.).

And also, I was not really talking about this. Netbackup should track the I/O (not in the SCSI level but  in higher level es in UNIXes everything are files, as it knows how the data is taken to the end point, means to tape. Like in Networker it does not have have any iostat features, but can track the tapes I/O. 

I still think that the NB is the most overcomplicated and buggiest SW I have ever been dealt with (2GB client SW? c'mon) and believe me I have a huge experience in almost all of the IT fields from SAN, Network, all the UNIXes/Linux, backup systems Tivoli/Networker/NB etc.

I always follow the Occam's Razors principle but, in NBU? No way you can apply that, as everything is overcomplicated there.:)
