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(46) Server not allowed access

Level 4
Master and Media - same WinXP PC
when try to connect client - in 90% case's (46) Server not allowed access
no firewalls on any computers
what is with my hands?

Level 4
Ensure that your master/media server is correctly specified in the client's server list.
Also run "$install_path\bpclntcmd -hn " and "$install_path\bpclntcmd -ip " from your master to verify hostname resolution.

Level 6
Verify the Client is communicating properly:

* bpclncmd -ip --> from both client and server
* bpclntcmd -hn --> from both client and server
* bpclntcmd -pn --> from client only
run bpcoverage -c clientname to verify connectivity.
run nslookup hostname and nslookup IP adress to verify dns is working.
insure the media servers name is in the client bp.conf
telnet to client to verify netbackup client telnet clientname bpcd
You can also ftp a large file from the client to the
media server to verify connectivity and speed.

Level 4
bpcoverage command not exist in bin folder (netbackup 6.0 EntServ)
file bp.conf not exist on client computer
all other name resolution commands work properly

Level 4
also when SQL backup is runing and this problem has occurred, in activity log this record is appear:
access to the client was not allowed(59)
after some time this problem disappear

Level 4
after manual restart NetBackup Client Service it work some time, then again not allowed access :\

Level 6
What's the logon account for the NetBackup services? Check both the media server and the client.

Ensure you are using the "local system" account.

Level 4
yes, local system

Level 6
I've seen 'client not allowed access' errors when there are network issues.
Can you connect toe the clients from your master server's Admin Console and retrieve their Host Properties? Do you get the same error?

If yes, are your clients and master in different domains? You can try adding the master's domain to the 'DNS Name Resolution List' in the network properties of the clients. That is what usually fixes my (46)'s.

Another thing to try: adding HOSTS file entries on the master AND clients. Add entries for all the clients onto the master, and add an entry for the master on all the clients.


Level 4
could you see any thing wehen you run bpgetconfig -M clientname ?

Level 6
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpcoverage -c clientname

you need a bp.conf file on the client
/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file it should have an entry like
SERVER = servername

Level 4
sory, now i am on leave
5 feb i will check all
Dennis Strom, it is windows 2003 client, not linux

Level 4
It is similar, records in HOSTS helped. Thanks.