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Can a media become a client?

Level 3
An off the wall question for Friday. We have two separate NetBackup installations in separate buildings (both are NB5.1 MP4). One of the buildings is having major problems with its hardware. The other building is running nominally. The connection speed between the 2 buildings is good.

Our question is - Can a media server in another NB master/media domain be backed up as a client by the master or media server in another NB master/media domain?

Or should we just avoid all the 'brough-ha-ha' and just add a mapped network drive to the media servers in the working configuration and run it that way?

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Level 6
I guess the question is what are you trying to accomplish?
Are you wanting to rebuild the 'bad' media server?

If so, I would just:
1) BPDown your media server in question
2) Backup your \Netbackup\DB and \Volmgr\database directories
3) Replace and rebuild the hardware with a fresh OS
4) Reinstall NBU
6) Replace backed up directories

Level 4
It seems like this is just a temporary thing that you need to get this media server backed up in the other building, correct? Add the master/media server(s) in the working building to the busted media servers server list, restart the services and you can back it up as a normal client.