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Duplication Job is not using correct media server

Level 6

Hello Friends,

There is some issues in my enviornment , We have production site and DR site and it is single domain setup .

I have taken backup of a DR client in DR media server Disk storage unit (Linux FT media server ) , now i want to move this backup images from Disk to tape

I have strated duplication job mannuly from Disk to tape (Serached images in catalog and salected duplication and destination tape storage unit job started ).

Tpae storage unit media server is windows 2008 R2,  now problem is here that it should use DR media server to read and write from Disk to tape because this backup is taken in DR through DR media server , Duplication is also started in DR through media server . but insted of this it is using HO media server to read and DR media server to write  (Head office media server is windows 2008 R2) ,

Step did to solve :- we removed the HO media server from storage servres access and and started the duplication job it failed with 2074 status and below is job details .

Netbackup version :- Master NBU OS windows 2008 R2, Windows Media server is NBU , OS 2008 R2, Linux media server is NBU and Red Hat linux 6 .4. Client is HP-UX 11.31 ,netbackup .

3/23/2015 2:19:29 PM - begin Duplicate
3/23/2015 2:19:32 PM - requesting resource meddrae5-hcart2-robot-tld-0
3/23/2015 2:19:32 PM - requesting resource @aaaa7
3/23/2015 2:19:32 PM - reserving resource @aaaa7
3/23/2015 2:19:33 PM - Error nbjm(pid=7720) NBU status: 2074, EMM status: Disk volume is down    
3/23/2015 2:19:33 PM - Error nbjm(pid=7720) NBU status: 2074, EMM status: Disk volume is down    
3/23/2015 2:19:33 PM - Error nbjm(pid=7720) NBU status: 2074, EMM status: Disk volume is down    
3/23/2015 2:19:33 PM - Error nbjm(pid=7720) NBU status: 2074, EMM status: Disk volume is down    
3/23/2015 2:19:34 PM - end Duplicate; elapsed time: 0:00:05
Disk volume is down(2074)


Please Assist .


Thank You !!


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



You can set

nbemmcmd -changesetting -machinename string -COMMON_SERVER_FOR_DUP required

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



You can set

nbemmcmd -changesetting -machinename string -COMMON_SERVER_FOR_DUP required

Level 6

Hey Dear ,

Tried below command  , But no Luck . still it is using the head office media server insted of DR media server .

nbemmcmd -changesetting -machinename mediaserver name -COMMON_SERVER_FOR_DUP required

-machine name here we have to provide media server name or master server name as i used media server name if it is wrong then let me know i will try with master server name .

Thank You !!

Level 6

SLP Cheat sheet says


common_server_for_dup Setting (Default, Preferred, Required)

nbemmcmd -changesetting -common_server_for_dup < default |preferred |required> -machinename master server name

default - The default option (default) instructs NetBackup to try to match the destination media server with the source media server
preferred - The preferred option instructs NetBackup to search all matching media server selections for the source
required - The required option instructs NetBackup to search all media server selections for the matching source


Level 6

Hi ,

I tried this but not working , but i am not able to understand when i remove Head office media server from storage server list and tring to start duplication it failed that disk volume is down and nbdevquery -liststs -stype DataDomain  command shows  disk pool is down , DR media server is not able to access that disk pool  , something wrong is here



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Post outputs.

Level 6

Which copy are you using? Are the images duplicated from HO to DR then spun to tape?

Level 6

No, backup completed in heda office only now i am tring to duplicate from Disk to tape in DR site itself .

But it is using head office media server to read the images .



Level 6


Which out put tell me , i will provide .

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

tpconfig -dsh

nbdevquery -listdp -stype DataDomain -L

bpstulist -U for the storage units involved

bpimagelist -l for the image involved

nbstl output of the SLP involved.

Level 6

Riaan the -stype needs to be PureDisk if it is an MSDP or AdvancedDisk if it is an Advanced Disk pool. The original information does not mention Data Domain. Also -L is not an option for nbdevquery -U and -D will give you the user readable output.  

Level 6


It sounds like an issue in the definition of the storage pool. nbdevquery is a good place to start.  

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

He mentioned DataDomain in his previous statements.

Level 6

Yep he sure did. I see it now buried in the one post. Which now conflicts with what was originally posted.

Level 6

I've also had problems getting "common_server_for_dup" to work in my environment, my duplications would sometimes still use the wrong media server.  If you are still having trouble, here is an alternative:

If your backup image is located on disk storage at your DR site and is the PRIMARY or only copy, you can use the command line to specify the media server to use.

1.  Create a text file on the master server or media server (any diredctory, it doesn't matter) containing all of the backup IDs you want to duplicate, and call it something like "bidfile.txt". You can use the GUI to list the images in the Catalog and paste it into Excel, or Notepad, or anything that will make it easier to edit.  The ONLY text in the file should be the image names, like this:



2.  MAKE A COPY OF THAT BIDFILE!!  If the duplication job runs, even if it fails, the bdifile will be deleted, so copy it to something like bidfile_backup.txt

3.  Execute the following command:

           bpduplicate -Bidfile bidfile.txt -dstunit Abisheks_storage_unit -dp Abisheks_tape_pool_name            -rl pick_a_retention_level -altreadhost Abisheks_DR_Media_server -L pick_a_logfile_name

     Note that the retention level is a NUBMER corresponding to the retention levels defined on the master server's properties; look them up in the "Host Properties" for the NBU master server in the GUI before proceeding!

4.  If the duplication fails, check the logfile defined at the end of the command above for the reason (I might have missed a required option).  Figure out what needs to be corrected, then copy the "bidfile_backup.txt" back to "bidfile.txt" and retry the operation again.

Note that you can have more than one duplication running, if you have more than one tape drive available at the DR site.  Just divide up the list of backups and create more than one bidfile.txt and use a different logfile in each command.

Level 6

Hi Riaan,

Below command worked now it's using same media server to read and write

nbemmcmd -changesetting -COMMON_SERVER_FOR_DUP Preferred -machinname master server name


Thaks a lot to all of you for your support :)



Thank you !!


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
