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Email for failed backups

Level 6

Hi All,

Can you please help me with email notification. I want to configure email to be sent from NBU master server for all failed backups. not for successful ones. just failed backups. how i can do that.

NBU 7.0.1




Level 5

There are many different ways to do this.  The best way would be to use OpsCenter, because you can not only do notifications and alerts, but you can also do scheduled reports.  Take a look at my presentation on OpsCenter alerts and reporting.

Otherwise, you can also use the backup_exit_notify script, with a little modification.  In my example, i've added the following (unix) to the script:

if [ $5 -ne 0 -a $5 -ne 1 ]; then

  cat $OUTF | mailx -s "Backup on $1 - $5"


There are also other ways to do this.

Level 6

We are currently using email

We are currently using email notifications, but we are receiving all job status successful as well. we dont want to get them. I know that there is easier way which can be done from admin console.

Forgot to mention. we are running master on windows 2008


Level 6
Employee Accredited

No, there is no easy way from the console.

In NBU, you turn mails on or off, either everything, or, nothing.

If you want to do clever stuff, that's what Opscenter is for.


You write a custom backup_exit_notify script to mail out only if there is a failure.

Or. the really easy way ...

Use your email client rules to automatically delete the emails that are sent that contain key words, eg "successful".

OK, the last way is not very clever, but it will work with minimum effort.


Level 6

OpsCenter which we have is 7.1 and i could not find any alert for failed jobs. Is ther alert for that.

and How can i edit script for windows? what inputs i have change from to to.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Have a look at this TN:
DOCUMENTATION: Email Notifications Settings and Their Behaviors

Global Attributes setting will only send non-zero status.

Universal Settings wil send mail for all status codes.


Level 4

I use OpsCenter 7.1 and have configured an alert policy to email when a job completes with anything other than status 0.

Create a new alert policy where the alert condition is "Job Finalized", on the next screen I have selected the "included all exit status" option but underneith populated the "Exit status to Exclude" with 0.

Populate the rest of the screens with standard things like mail recipients etc and it just works.


Level 5

In OpsCenter, go to "Manage" -> "Alert Policies" -> "Add", then select "Job Finalized" and give your alert policy a name (like "Failed jobs").  Click on "Next", and in the bottom, you'll see "If specified, alert is generated for jobs whose exit status doesn't match the exit status specified below."  In that text box, put "0", or if you don't want to see partially successful, put "0, 1".

Don't forget to create your recipients first in "Settings" -> "Recipients".

Level 6


Nice to go through this forum