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Fighting with 219 errors.

Level 3

I am experiencing quite a few different media servers with 219 storage unit unavailable errors. Let me first tackle one of them.


I noticed this error in the log and I had the local site support guy reboot the server and robot.


0:34:15.504 [2392.2804] <2> sendTpautoconfCommand: oprd version is 451
10:35:29.474 [2392.2804] <4> MmDeviceMappings::GetRobotAttributes
    : <MmDeviceMappings.cpp:972> search robot list (length=410) for STK L20, type 0

10:35:29.474 [2392.2804] <4> MmDeviceMappings::GetRobotAttributes
    : <MmDeviceMappings.cpp:1225> found match: "STK L20" STK L20
10:35:30.427 [2392.2804] <16> GetChangerGUIDRSM: Failed to open NTMS session
10:35:30.427 [2392.2804] <16> GetChangerGUIDRSM: The device is not ready.

10:35:30.427 [2392.2804] <2> EnableDisableRsmObject: Could not get GUID for changer:"\\.\Scsi2:"
10:35:30.443 [2392.2804] <16> GetDriveGUIDRSM: Failed to open NTMS session
10:35:30.443 [2392.2804] <16> GetDriveGUIDRSM: The device is not ready.

10:35:30.443 [2392.2804] <2> EnableDisableRsmObject: Could not get GUID for drive:"\\.\Tape0"
10:35:30.459 [2392.2804] <16> GetDriveGUIDRSM: Failed to open NTMS session
10:35:30.459 [2392.2804] <16> GetDriveGUIDRSM: The device is not ready.


After reboot it is still failing with 219 errors and I restart netbackup services again and noticed the same errors however to my lack of understanding I can run inventory on the robot so I know netbackup can communciate with robot.


I am at a lose of where to look. I basically have the same issue in 2 other sites.



Level 3
Ok fixed two of them. One had down tape drives (kind of a duh on my part) and the other is still broke but on reboot the changer was no longer detected so the site person needs to fix it.