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How to add a new exchange mailbox database to a dag member of exchange 2010 dag existing already to backup up the newly added mailbox DB along with old DBs.

Level 6

How to add a new exchange mailbox database to a dag member of exchange 2010 dag existing already to backup up the newly added mailbox DB along with old DBs ????????????????



We have been backing up exchnage 2010 dag using netbackup and till now it ran succesfully and were able to restore.

A week ago, some one from messaging team has added a new mailbox database to an existing dag member from their end.

I have triggered a full backup and got completed succesfully.

But unfortunately the newly added mailbox DB has not backedup alike rest all mailbox DBs backed up.

Any idea, what could be the reason. Is there a partiular way to add a new mailbox DB to DAG memeber inorder to perform backup.








Accepted Solutions

Level 6

Hello Everone,


Error :   TRV - BPRESOLVER has executed on server.


Issue has been resolved by adding DAG members in preferred server list under backup policy configuration.


Thanks to all



View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please show us your Exchange policy?

bppllist <policy-name> -U


Partner    VIP    Certified

Jod details status pleae..

did you see any errors in the job detail status?

Level 6


[root@XXX ~]# bppllist Exchange2010DAG_DE -U
Policy Name:       Exchange2010DAG_DE
  Policy Type:         MS-Exchange-Server
  Active:              yes
  Effective date:      09/21/2011 18:20:49
  Mult. Data Streams:  yes
  Client Encrypt:      no
  Checkpoint:          no
  Policy Priority:     0
  Max Jobs/Policy:     Unlimited
  Disaster Recovery:   0
  Collect BMR info:    no
  Residence:           DISKPOOL5020_DE6
  Volume Pool:         NetBackup
  Server Group:        *ANY*
  Keyword:             (none specified)
  Data Classification:       -
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no
  Exchange Source active db:               yes
  Exchange 2010 Preferred Server: (none defined)
  Application Discovery:      no
  Discovery Lifetime:      0 seconds
ASC Application and attributes: (none defined)
  Granular Restore Info:  no
  Ignore Client Direct:  no
Enable Metadata Indexing:  no
Index server name:  NULL
  Use Accelerator:  no
  HW/OS/Client:  Windows-x64   Windows2008
  Include:  Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\
  Schedule:              Full_Backup
    Type:                Automatic Backup
    Frequency:           every 7 days
    Maximum MPX:         1
    Synthetic:           0
    Checksum Change Detection: 0
    PFI Recovery:        0
    Retention Level:     15 (8 days)
    Number Copies:       1
    Fail on Error:       0
    Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
    Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
    Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
    Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
    Schedule indexing:     0
    Daily Windows:
          Saturday   22:00:00  -->  Sunday     11:00:00
  Schedule:              12am_exch_incremental
    Type:                Differential Incremental Backup
    Frequency:           every 1 day
    Maximum MPX:         4
    Synthetic:           0
    Checksum Change Detection: 0
    PFI Recovery:        0
    Retention Level:     15 (8 days)
    Number Copies:       1
    Fail on Error:       0
    Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
    Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
    Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
    Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
    Schedule indexing:     0
    Daily Windows:
          Sunday     00:00:00  -->  Sunday     08:00:00
          Monday     00:00:00  -->  Monday     08:00:00
          Tuesday    00:00:00  -->  Tuesday    08:00:00
          Wednesday  00:00:00  -->  Wednesday  08:00:00
          Thursday   00:00:00  -->  Thursday   08:00:00
          Friday     00:00:00  -->  Friday     08:00:00
          Saturday   00:00:00  -->  Saturday   08:00:00
  Schedule:              4am_exch_incremental
    Type:                Differential Incremental Backup
    Frequency:           every 1 day
    Maximum MPX:         4
    Synthetic:           0
    Checksum Change Detection: 0
    PFI Recovery:        0
    Retention Level:     15 (8 days)
    Number Copies:       1
    Fail on Error:       0
    Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
    Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
    Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
    Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
    Schedule indexing:     0
    Daily Windows:
          Sunday     04:00:00  -->  Sunday     12:00:00
          Monday     04:00:00  -->  Monday     12:00:00
          Tuesday    04:00:00  -->  Tuesday    12:00:00
          Wednesday  04:00:00  -->  Wednesday  12:00:00
          Thursday   04:00:00  -->  Thursday   12:00:00
          Friday     04:00:00  -->  Friday     12:00:00
          Saturday   04:00:00  -->  Saturday   12:00:00
  Schedule:              8_PM_exch_incremental
    Type:                Differential Incremental Backup
    Frequency:           every 1 day
    Maximum MPX:         4
    Synthetic:           0
    Checksum Change Detection: 0
    PFI Recovery:        0
    Retention Level:     15 (8 days)
    Number Copies:       1
    Fail on Error:       0
    Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
    Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
    Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
    Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
    Schedule indexing:     0
    Daily Windows:
          Sunday     20:00:00  -->  Monday     08:00:00
          Monday     20:00:00  -->  Tuesday    08:00:00
          Tuesday    20:00:00  -->  Wednesday  08:00:00
          Wednesday  20:00:00  -->  Thursday   08:00:00
          Thursday   20:00:00  -->  Friday     08:00:00
          Friday     20:00:00  -->  Saturday   08:00:00
          Saturday   20:00:00  -->  Sunday     08:00:00
Backup succesfully completed with status 0.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Your policy looks good. Next step is to create bpresolver log folder on active node to see how databases are identified. Please post log as File attachment.

Level 6

Quick question,


should i need to run backup again after creating the bpresolver log folder on active node  ????




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

bpresolver will only log information at the beginning of next backup...

You can either wait for next scheduled backup or start a manual backup.

Level 6


Hi Marianne,

Bpresolver log folder is already existing. I have attached the bpresolver.


Hello Nagalla,

Its my bad,

You are absolutely correct, parent stream failed with status 1.


04/06/2013 12:03:09 - Info bpbrm (pid=23721) from client TRV - BPRESOLVER has executed on server (swDE209)
04/06/2013 12:03:54 - Warning bpbrm (pid=23721) from client WRN - Exchange 2010 item <\\\Microsoft Information Store\DE209 5th Mailbox Database> not backed up.  See bpresolver log.
04/06/2013 12:03:54 - Info bpresolver (pid=20308) done.  status: 1




Mailboxes which is getting backed up are mentioned below:


Microsoft Information Store:\DE209 2nd Mailbox Database
Microsoft Information Store:\DE209 3rd Mailbox Database
Microsoft Information Store:\DE209 4th Mailbox Database
Microsoft Information Store:\DE209 Journaled Mailbox Database
Microsoft Information Store:\DE209 Linked Mailbox Database
Microsoft Information Store:\DE209 Mailbox Database
Microsoft Information Store:\DE209 ND Mailbox Database

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Was a new cluster node added as well?

Errors in bpresolver log:


20:36:59.201 [13632.9088] <2> [fsys\ese]          : DBG - [EseE14::ResolveDeviceName]    Backup ... \\\Microsoft Information Store\DE209 5th Mailbox Database => ... 0x1 (../BEDSContext.cpp:168)

20:36:59.201 [13632.9088] <16> rai_resolvePathName: Server failed to be found

20:36:59.201 [13632.9088] <4> Resolver_Exchange::generate_TopologyList: No backup server found for database path \.


Level 6



It is the same server i.e swDE209




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


Add a User type schedule to your Exchange policy with open window for the next couple of hours.

Log onto server swDE209 as the same user account that is used for NBU services.


See if you can browse to this database in the Backup window. 
Select the database and start a manual backup.

Let us know what happens.

Level 4

Did you restart the Netbackup Client installed in all Dag nodes??? Maybe this is your problem. Your policy point to DAG Virtual name?

Level 6

Hello Everone,


Error :   TRV - BPRESOLVER has executed on server.


Issue has been resolved by adding DAG members in preferred server list under backup policy configuration.


Thanks to all