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MSDP and PDDP clarification

Level 5


Can anyone help me by letting me know difference between  media server deduplication pool and puredisk deduplication pool.We are using netbackup version 7.5 and use MSDP for deduplication.

Please let me know what exactly I need for MSDP and for PDDP?

Does PDDP require a seprate box,software and storage?

Can we write backups to PDDP?

is this PDDP outdated concept?






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Level 6
Partner Accredited

Depends on what  you want to achieve, you may choose to use Puredisk or MSDP (however PureDisk is set to EOL next year March)


Does PDDP require a seprate box,software and storage? Yes, It does, There are appliances available too, PureDisk is hardcoded with OS (SLES 10SP2) and Dedupe on top of it

Can we write backups to PDDP? Yes, if you have PureDisk in Domain, You can simply add Storage server pointing to PureDisk and Create Disk Pool and STU . Use them in your policy , in this case backups will be directed directly to PureDisk Server and then storage (if appliance is not used). Media Server will be exempted from this scenario

is this PDDP outdated concept? Can't say it completly, But yes MSDP has got more improvements on top it. Anyhow PD would be discontinued next year

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Level 6
Partner Accredited

Depends on what  you want to achieve, you may choose to use Puredisk or MSDP (however PureDisk is set to EOL next year March)


Does PDDP require a seprate box,software and storage? Yes, It does, There are appliances available too, PureDisk is hardcoded with OS (SLES 10SP2) and Dedupe on top of it

Can we write backups to PDDP? Yes, if you have PureDisk in Domain, You can simply add Storage server pointing to PureDisk and Create Disk Pool and STU . Use them in your policy , in this case backups will be directed directly to PureDisk Server and then storage (if appliance is not used). Media Server will be exempted from this scenario

is this PDDP outdated concept? Can't say it completly, But yes MSDP has got more improvements on top it. Anyhow PD would be discontinued next year

Level 5

Thank you,Previously we had 6 0r 10 PD appliances,now slowly they have turned them into MSDP.

To do this

do they have to uninstall PD from that box and instal 7.5 version from scratch?

I believe this PD appliances come with attached storage,here I think its 30TB of each,Am I correct?

Level 6
Partner Accredited

you are talking about NBU appliances 5200 or 5220

If so then yes you can build it from scratch. Haven't heard about their availabilty in India, but it is widely available in other region

If it's an appliance then it should come up with limited (inTB) storage , and if expansion is used (Storage shelf)


Level 5

its 5020 appliance,Catacenter is not in India its in KC.

They say that they are now using that appliance as OST device for another media server,Could you please help me in undestanding what does that mean?



Level 6
Partner Accredited

Appliance would be having Stoage seperated in two parts ti.e. DeDupe and Advanced Disks

OST (open storage) can be associated with Media Servers as a destination for backups . this requires kind of plugin or account to sync . (depends on which OST is used).