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Subscribe to NBU notifications

In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Restore NT File System Permissions

I am currently trying to restore NTFS permissions on my file server, referencing the following article as a guide: I am running: "bprestore -s 06/01/2012 11:00:00 -e 06/05/2012 ...

sg driver failed to Attache

Hi All,        I have a issue with tape driver and media changer which are not discovered by Netbackup, I followed the device configuration guide, many times, without success, I checked on Symantec forum, web, nothing helped me.   My configuration is...

Mourad by Level 3
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Resolved! Failed to initialize EMM connection.

  I have done fresh installation of Netbackup 7.5 Master & Media server both are successfully isntalled but i cannot see media server on my master server host list. when it try to register Media server using nbemmcmd command i get the following error...

Saqib_Alam by Level 5
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Resolved! Failing to recover a Oracle backup in solaris

Hi , We are recovering an Oracle database in another machine but when trying to recover with rman the script is: run{ ALLOCATE CHANNEL ch00 TYPE 'SBT_TAPE' PARMS='';  set until time "to_date('07/06/2012 03:00:00','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')";  set newna...

Active Directory Windows 2003 Granular Backup

Good day All. I've setup a Granular Backup Job in Netbackup 7.5 to Backup Active Directory. I've setup NFS on the media server and the client. I've followed the article to test...

nigelg by Level 4
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flash backup failed with error 20

Hi, I use NetBackup version 6.5.6, windows 2003 OS and the client OS is 2008. Frequently i one of my server is getting failed with error 20 "Invalid command parameter". If i restart the failed job it will complete successfully. Past one week i am not...

Resolved! Can't delete a Disk Pool

I am currently on Netbackup Version 7.0.1 for Windows. When I go to delete a disk pool, I received a message : UNABLE TO DELETE THE DISK POOL. INVALID COMMAND PARAMETER. DSM HAS FOUND THAT ONE OR MORE VOLUMES IN THE DISK POOL HQ-BK4_DATA-WAREHOUSE(AD...

Is NetBackup client can install and work on same CA ARCserve client?

My quiestion is about I have situation to make a solution that PRD DC using ARCserve and DR DC has chance for NetBackup. DR-DC was replicated from PRD-DC with CA HA/DR solution. Can I install NetBackup client and configure for backup at DR site cl...

chat1 by Level 2
Partner Accredited Certified
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Status 156 (snapshot error encountered) - how to resolve?

I have a couple of Windows clients (one hosting virtual machines, one is a SQL server) that are not backing up successfully. The backup jobs kick off, they run fine for some amount of time, usually a couple or more hours, then the job fails with a st...

Resolved! nbu 7.x licensing

hi all I know that when installing nbu 7.5 no need to install the agent software seperatly , it is now embbed with the client software.but i'm wondoring why i should purchase 2 license for the same server: one as client lisence and second  for agent ...

Rami_Nasser1 by Level 6
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One job failing on first try every day

We are running Netbackup 7.0.1 and I am having an issue with one policy.  Every day on one server the Default Application backup for one policy fails one time and then passes on the next consistently for about two weeks now.  I have checked the event...

Resolved! Application awareless of virtual storage unit in clustered SAN media server using Enterprise client license in NBU 7.5

Dear Expers, The setup is NBU  clustered master server, a media server and 4 clustered SQL servers with multiple instances online on each node of cluster. I have created a virtual storage unit and configured each node as SAN media server and ...

GulzarShaikhAUS by Level 6
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Resolved! Need expiration date of particular Robot in Netbackup

Hello All, I need to find the expiration date of current media (in library) specific to particular Robot number / id. Also, Do we have data compress option in Netbackup Admin Colsole for ESL and NEO physical tapes?? Thanks for your reply.

raj08 by Level 4
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Resolved! NetBackUp

The documentation says if you haven't upgraded to 7.5 yet - wait for  Does anyone know when that will be available?

Resolved! media write error(84)

I have Netbackup server with version 6.0 which is very small environment. It have only one drive, today i saw all jobs are failed with 800 error. I have checked and found the drive was down. I made the drive up and re-initiated the backups but again ...

Planters by Level 5
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Importing backup exec tape to netbackup

HI,   I am trying to importing the backup exec LTO2 tape in our netback environment 7.0.1; Im getting the below error (media manager - system error occurred(174) message) C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>vmphyinv -rn 0 -rh edc-bkp06 -ml C00005 No...

Soap_Raj by Level 4
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Deamons don't start

Hello, the daemons nbatd, nbazd, nbjm, nbkms, nbpem, spad, and spoold stopped  after running the following commands: netbackup stop /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/vxpbx_exchanged stop            Stopped Symantec Private Branch Exchange /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/vxpbx_excha...