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Need all types of skipped file error generate in NBU

Level 5

Dear All,

I need all types of error which occurs when netbackup skip files at the time of backup

the reason behind it is I am , creating script which will retrieve data from /usr/openv/netbackup/db/error/log* files

below are the some generic error which i used to found in

WRN - can't lock raw device for read

WRN - Could not reset access time

WRN - can't open file:

WRN - Skipping linked directory

WRN - Removable Storage

WRN - Removable Storage

Above are not enough & not including all i cant keep adding & analyzing new skipped file patterns can any one share any TN or link / document

Since this is customer requirement i dont want to miss out anything.I am aware of the notification mail which can be generated by server or client on each failure / success/ partial/ restore etc but I dont prefer that much notifications so please assist

Environment information - OS master - Solaris

NBU version -

media servers / client - all types



Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Employee Accredited
OK, let me put this another way - if someone posts up a list, how do you know it is correct. You don't, therefore it is unusable, as you cannot be sure you are not missing something. You explain that it is for a customer, so what happens if in the future they have a file skipped and it is not picked up by your script - who do you think they are going to blame. A better option would be to use the output of the error reports /bperror command as the input for your script. That way, it should always stay up-to-date. Martin

View solution in original post


Level 6

There is a report you can run from within the admin console : errors / problems report that would show you all of this in one spot.  There is also OpsCenter

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Use OpsCenter or errors report / bperror command as advised above, why ... There is no easy way to confirm a list of skipped files is complete, NBU is updated, things change etc ... so you end up with a script that even if 100% correct to start with, may become less accurate over time. Somebody also has to remember to update it. Martin

Level 5

We dont have  OpsCenter in this enviornment it seems to be like that i need to keep it all manual.

basically everything start with

2 ERR -
 3 WRN -
192 TRV -

I wonderd if any generic list any one have thanks for the reply


Level 6
Employee Accredited
OK, let me put this another way - if someone posts up a list, how do you know it is correct. You don't, therefore it is unusable, as you cannot be sure you are not missing something. You explain that it is for a customer, so what happens if in the future they have a file skipped and it is not picked up by your script - who do you think they are going to blame. A better option would be to use the output of the error reports /bperror command as the input for your script. That way, it should always stay up-to-date. Martin

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Level 5

Yes I do agree with You

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Seeing that you agree with Martin, please mark his post as Solution.

Level 5


Here is small script i created as per customer requirment . in which user can put job ID & get the skipped information

since there is application monitoring teams which is not familiar with netbackup console


INPUT_FILE=`ls -1tr $INPUTDIR/log* | tail -2 | head -1`
echo "Enter Job ID"
read JID
hostname=`cat /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/trylogs/$JID.t | grep -i "(jobid=$JID)"  | awk '{print $12}' | cut -f1 -d","`
cat $INPUT_FILE |grep -i $hostname | egrep -i 'ERR - Read error at byte|ERR - Cannot open file|ERR - failure reading file|TRV -|ERR -|WRN -'|  egrep -v 'TRV - BACKUP|TRV - last message being suppressed after 10 occurrences' | awk '{print $13,"\t\t",$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45}'