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Netbackup 6.5.1 Remote Administration Console on Windows Vista Enterprise x64 stable?

Level 3
Anyone successfully running Netbackup 6.5.1 Remote Administration Console on Windows Vista Enterprise x64? Installation was successful for me but the console is extremely unstable. The management console will immediately crash when attempting to look at the Activity monitor. 50% stability with Reports & Policies. Fails to list Host Properties - Clients. Media & Device Management is ok escape when I view Devices. I tired running the console in Windows XP SP2 & Windows Server 2003 SP1 compatibility but still have the same results.

Level 3
Anyone duplicating this problem?

Level 5
How did you get it to install?  I'm setting up my new Enterprise x64 system, and the 32-bit version refuses to install, and I haven't been able to locate an x64 variant...

Level 3
Within the Netbackup 6.5 Windows DVD Media Kit there is an installer for ICS, IA64, NBClients, x86 and x64. I ran the laucher executable (laucher.exe) under the x64 directory.

Level 5
I think I figured it out.  I was looking for an x64 version of the Java console, have never used this beast before.  I'm going to have to do some troubleshooting to make it auth to my servers, apparently...

Message Edited by Seth Bokelman on 06-02-2008 03:30 PM

Level 3
I got it! Just install the java console from the 6.5 32-bit cd but directly with the msi file (VERITAS NetBackup - Java.msi). On server side, create (if not exist) the auth.conf file on <netbackup inst path>\java with the following
domain\username ADMIN=ALL JBP=ALL

Level 3
Update - Still having problems with Windows Remote Administration Console on Vista Enterprise x64. Currently running 6.5.1. I was able to install the Java Remote Adminstration Console for NBU 6.5 via the msi package. However I was unable to install the Maintenance Pack using the setup.exe or the msi package. I was only able to install the MP by using the silentpatch.cmd. The Java Remote Admin Console running on Vista will disable the Vista Areo features.

Level 3
Oh, I did'nt realise of the aero feature lost!. Well, It doesn't matter to me so much (not sure the MP). I think that the vista support for the RAC would take time. The only thing that we can do is just press via the vendors, because vista is not supported and this is unacceptable more than one year after vista release.

Level 3
I tried installing Java Admin tool and I was missing the MSVCR71.dll.  Has anyone else tried installing the Java GUI on Windows Vista, and if so could you get it to work?

Level 3
Yes, I have installed the 6.5 32 bit java console on a Vista 64 bit. Did you try install it form the msi file? Regards.

Level 3
David Ingersoll: solved aero lost, just replace the java version.
Java console installs the 1.4.2 version and this is solved on 1.6 version. The easy way is just copy the <java install path>\jre1.6 folder to <veritas install path>\java and rename it to jre (prior you must rename <veritas install path>\java\jre to something else). You can chagne the bat files to point to the other java version without copying, but I can't make it works.
The only thing I missed, by the moment,  is the upper window showing clients and library status.
N.B.: I only use remote console to check failed policies, change some client properties and restore some files. Do you thing that it's really necesary having both remote and server at the same patch level?

Level 3
OK, not working "Backup, archive and restore" ("System couldn't find specified path") and browse for destination on client exclude listing (seems not implemented)