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Netbackup RAC Restore - error 59 access to client not allowed

Level 6
Partner Accredited

I have been looking at many similar posts, checking my config, and still cannot seem to get this working.

I have a config with a W2K8R2 Master server, a W2k8R2 media server and a 5220 Appliance.  I have added a number of Remote Admin Consoles to remove the need for Ops to RDP onto the master server for management.

I have added the RAC PC names to the Master Server SERVER list and to the SERVER list on ALL clients.  I have added the media servers into the SERVER list on the RAC PC's (they are already on the clients SERVER list).  I have added the RAC PC names to the Media Server SERVER list.

I still have the issue that when I start a restore I get an error as follows:

12/04/2013 16:18:00 - begin Restore

12/04/2013 16:18:03 - restoring image aaaaa238_1365714929

12/04/2013 16:18:03 - Info bprd(pid=9032) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 04/11/13 22:15:29   

12/04/2013 16:18:03 - requesting resource @aaacp

12/04/2013 16:18:03 - granted resource MediaID=@aaacp;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=dp_disk_xxxxxx-yyyy;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageSer...

12/04/2013 16:18:05 - Info bpbrm(pid=31488) aaaaa238 is the host to restore to     

12/04/2013 16:18:05 - Info bpbrm(pid=31488) reading file list from client       

12/04/2013 16:18:06 - Error bpbrm(pid=31488) bpcd on exited with status 59: access to the client was not allowed

12/04/2013 16:18:06 - Error bpbrm(pid=31488) cannot put rename file on aaaaa238      

12/04/2013 16:18:06 - Info tar(pid=0) done. status: 59: access to the client was not allowed  

12/04/2013 16:18:06 - Error bpbrm(pid=31488) client restore EXIT STATUS 59: access to the client was not allowed

12/04/2013 16:18:06 - restored image aaaaa238_1365714929 - (access to the client was not allowed(59)); restore time 00:00:03

12/04/2013 16:18:09 - Warning bprd(pid=9032) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 18/04/2013 22:15:29

12/04/2013 16:18:11 - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:00:11

MS-Windows policy restore error(2808)


After all the changes to the SERVER lists I have restarted NBU services on the Master / Media / RAC PC / client being tested - no joy.

What am I missing ?



Accepted Solutions

Partner    VIP    Certified

bpcd log in the  client is the pathfinder for your...

make sure bpcd log dir is created in client , and try the restore again...

it will show you what is the server trying to access the client, and make sure that the same server is listed in servers key in registry.

some times name resolution also causes this issue..

so make sure that the server name reports in bpcd logs have the correct name resolutions.

View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Certified

bpcd log in the  client is the pathfinder for your...

make sure bpcd log dir is created in client , and try the restore again...

it will show you what is the server trying to access the client, and make sure that the same server is listed in servers key in registry.

some times name resolution also causes this issue..

so make sure that the server name reports in bpcd logs have the correct name resolutions.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Thanks for that.  When you say the client do you mean the Server where the restore is directed or the Remote Admin Console PC ?


Level 6

The client where the restore is directed. It is also helpful to do an nslookup of the media server's name on the client to see how the client resolves the name

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


12/04/2013 16:18:05 - Info bpbrm(pid=31488) aaaaa238 is the host to restore to    


12/04/2013 16:18:06 - Error bpbrm(pid=31488) bpcd on exited with status 59: access to the client was not allowed

What is the relationship between aaaaa238 and 

Check that aaaaa238 has SERVER name for media server xxxxxxx-yyyy and that this client can resolve IP address for this media server to same SERVER name.
Check DNS or client's hosts file.

bpcd log on this client will tell us what exactly is wrong.


Level 6
Partner Accredited


aaaaa238 is the client we are restoring to (and where original backup was taken), is the PC where the Remote Admin Console is installed and running.

Client aaaaa238 has SERVER entries for the media server xxxxxx-yyyy (this media server is a 5220 and took the original backup) and also the RACPC.

No host files in use on the clients, all using DNS resolution.

Tomorrow I will enable logging on the aaaaa238 client and try the restore again, and also check the neame resolution to see what name it resolves to.

Thanks for the input.


Level 6
Partner Accredited

OK - I found the issue using the BPCD log as advised.  It was the format of the host trying to access the server during the restore request.

I now have the following and all works fine:

Master Server:  RAC entry in additional servers tab

Media Server (appliance in my case): RAC Entry in additional servers tab

RAC PC: Media Server entry in additional servers tab

Client to restore to: Media Server entry in additional servers tab, RAC PC entry in additional servers tab

All my entries are in FQDN format (problem was I had one in shortname format)


Thanks for all the input.