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Properly restoring/rebuilding a folder with multiple backups selected

Level 3

We are running NetBackup on a Win2k8R2 box - no major issues so far.  However, our team has discovered a behavior in the NetBackup GUI that we would like to have validated, and to this point, I cannot find any Symantec documentation that explains it.

We had an issue where we needed to completely reconstruct a client's data folder, needing backups from multiple days, with data on different backup tapes.  In the BAR client, we commonly use the "<Shift> + select" method, to select multiple backups (FULL + Diff/Incr) in order to complete the restore.

Once the days/backups have been selected in the top pane, we then proceed to the lower panes to select the specific folder needed.  It has been noted that if you select the specific folder in the right pane, you are only selecting the "most recent" backup of that folder from the multiple dates selected. 
(In the left pane, a hash "/" is placed in the checkbox next to the folder name.  (Assuming this means partial files were selected.)

If you expand the tree in the left pane, and make your folder selection here, it seems to select ALL data needed from all backups.   In addition, a "checkmark" is placed in the checkbox next to the folder name.

Can anyone out there verify this behavior?    Is there an appendix, addendum, or an Advanced Restore Guide which goes over how to select files for restores using NetBackup?

Thanks in advance for your responses,



Level 6

- it will probably be more obvious also if you select the "Show All Backups of Files" to the LHS of the top pane where you are selecting your backup dates.

Level 3

Thanks Andy  - yes, we did also see this, and have used it in the past.  If anything, the view is a "reminder" when restoring.  :)  Is there any documentation that you are aware of?

Level 6

If you want the whole folder - do the left pane,

if you are going for files only do the right pane.

seems I have been doing it correctly unconsciously - then one time I did it wrong and had to figure out why.


Level 6

- the documentation is a little sparse, more of an introduction to the basics in the BAR Getting Started Guide & more in-depth "technical" specifics in the other Admin Guides - but I stand to be corrected (as always!)