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Re-installation of NBU6.5 Master Server on Windows 2003 Standard (create_nbdb.exe fails)

Level 2
Hi all,

I am tryin to re-install NBU6.5 Master server on a Windows 2003 Standard Edition server. I uninstalled cleanly and rebooted.  I then proceeded to perform the install once more but it fails.  The contents of my log is as follows:

16:13:59.453 [968.1248] <4> create_nbdb: Entering.
16:13:59.468 [968.1248] <4> create_nbdb: C:\Program Files\Veritas\\NetBackup\bin\create_nbdb.exe -db_server NB_WSSCNBU02 -db_home C:\Program Files\Veritas\\NetBackupDB -data E:\Program Files\Veritas\\\NetBackupDB\data
16:13:59.468 [968.1248] <4> pingDBServer: Entering.
16:13:59.468 [968.1248] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Entering.
16:13:59.468 [968.1248] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Running "C:\Program Files\Veritas\\NetBackupDB\WIN32\dbping" -q -c "ENG=NB_WSSCNBU02;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785}"
16:14:04.640 [968.1248] <16> run_nbdb_cmd: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\\NetBackupDB\WIN32\dbping" -q -c "ENG=NB_WSSCNBU02;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785}" failed.
16:14:04.640 [968.1248] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Exiting with rc = 77
16:14:04.640 [968.1248] <4> pingDBServer: Sleeping for 60 seconds and will retry.
16:15:04.640 [968.1248] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Entering.
16:15:04.640 [968.1248] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Running "C:\Program Files\Veritas\\NetBackupDB\WIN32\dbping" -q -c "ENG=NB_WSSCNBU02;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785}"
16:15:09.781 [968.1248] <16> run_nbdb_cmd: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\\NetBackupDB\WIN32\dbping" -q -c "ENG=NB_WSSCNBU02;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785}" failed.
16:15:09.781 [968.1248] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Exiting with rc = 77
16:15:09.781 [968.1248] <16> pingDBServer: Database server [NB_WSSCNBU02] not available.
16:15:09.781 [968.1248] <4> pingDBServer: Exiting with rc = 12
16:15:09.781 [968.1248] <4> getExistingDBFile: Entering.
16:15:09.781 [968.1248] <4> getExistingDBFile: Exiting with rc = 0
16:15:09.781 [968.1248] <16> create_nbdb: Database server required to continue.
16:15:09.781 [968.1248] <4> create_nbdb: Exiting with rc = 12

Now there's two things I don't understand here:

1. Where is it getting NB_WSSCNBU02 - WSSCNBU02 is the hostname of the server but where is it getting NB from? BTW - I added a hosts entry for this but still no joy.

2. Why is it trying to dbping the server before it creates it?  It doesn't start any database manager so I'm very confused here.


Level 2
I never managed to get this resolved but I have now re-imaged the whole machine and started again. However I'd still like to know folks thoughts on this issue...

Level 3
We have the same error and are re-imaging the machine now. The last time it was imaged, they installed the NetBackup client so hopefully a clean image will solve it.