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Restore Virtual Disk in NBU 7.1

Level 6

Hello People:

Im trying to restore a Virtual Machine VMDK disk file (Individual disk file)

In the 6.5.5 version, I can restore the vmdk file to another location (Not o the ESX or Virtual Appliance)

I just restore the VMDK Disk file and move to my PC for create a new VM with that VMDK Disk using Vm Player.


Now In 7.1 version I try to restore the VMDK file but The wizard connect automactly to the ESX Servers and restore the machine directly to my production enviroment. I just want to recover the VMDK file and put into another server for use VM Player.

How Can I do that now? I just want to restore the VMDK File, Just the disk file.

(View Attached Image) I set my FlashBackup Windows Policy to Mapped Full VM Backup but the wizard come to restore everything to the original location or to a different location but connected to my ESX Enviroment.

Thanks for help.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



Restore to the ESX/vCENTER temporary datastore, then SCP the file to your machine. You can't restore it directly to anything other than a ESX/vCENTER.

Level 6

What about If I restore in a location without ESX enviroment? (Like a Desaster Recovery Site) 

I Cant restore my virtual machine?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Like i said previously, you can only restore VMware to VMware, same as you can only restore SQL to SQL, Exchange to Exchange, Oracle to Oracle, etc etc.

Level 6

BAD - BAD - BAD for Symantec