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Script to expire images using bpexpdate in a Windows Environment

Level 3


I am looking for help in scripting; that I can use to manually expire some images on my tapes.

My NetBackup environment is all Windows.


Level 6
Use bpexpdate : Change the expiration date of backups in the image catalog and media in the media catalog. For example: bpexpdate -backupid eel_0904219764 -d 0 : expire an image bpexpdate -m BU0002 -d 0 : expire a tape

Level 6

make a file - I called it expire.bat
put this in it.  (if your install path is different please change it)

"C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedialist.exe" -m %1
"C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate.exe" -m %1 -d 0
"C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedialist.exe" -m %1

save file.

expire.bat <TAPE NUMBER>

here is output


expire.bat H00006

Server Host = mymaster

id rl images allocated last updated density kbytes restores

vimages expiration last read <------- STATUS ------->


H00006 12 2 08/13/2006 00:04 N/A dlt 122566743 0

MPX 10/19/2010 20:30 04/19/2010 18:57 IMPORTED


Media H00006 is due to expire at 10/19/2010 20:30:52

Are you sure that the data on this media is not critical to

your business, and you are sure you want to delete H00006 y/n (n)? y

requested media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM database

First it looks up the tape and shows it to you -
Then it asks if you really want to expire the images on the tape.
Then it looks it up again - this should have the error that it is not in the EMM database, meaning it was succesfull in expireing all the images on the tape.  If it comes back and shows you the tape info again - then it did not expire it.

Level 3
Hi J.Hinchcliffe,
Thanks for sharing your script.
I would like to be able to delete images from several tapes at a go. Can you please let me know how I can achieve that.

Level 6

I am Very Friendly with MS Excel So..

I used to go TLD and check for list of tapes to expire and select all of them and Press CTRL+C.

Open Excel CTRL+V. Delete all Fields except MEDIA ID. Insert a Column before that MEDIA ID Columns and Enter "bpexpdate -d 0 -force -m " and on column 3 enter "=CONCATENATE(A1,B1)" and the output will be "bpexpdate -d 0 -force -m MEDIAID"

Just drag this same formula for all Media's and copy all of these.

Goto CMD-> C:\INSTALPATH\Netbackup\Bin\Admincmd\ and paste those copied things ( or you can also paste in notepad and save as bat file and execute it)

Its more read all these lines but when you do it, it really 1 min job :) no need to shake up your mind :)

Level 6
You already have expire.bat

Change line 2
"C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate.exe" -m %1 -d 0
"C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate.exe" -m %1 -d 0 -force

This way it will not ask you for every tape up to you

Now create a new file called tapelist.txt
In it put your media id's
One per line


Now make a new bat file called expiremany.bat

echo off
for /f %%t in (tapelist.txt) do expire.bat %%t
echo on


now you can run expire.bat for just 1 tape
expire.bat T0001

or expiremany.bat for many tapes that are listed in the tapelist.txt file.


it will still show you each tape, but of you use the -force in expire.bat it will not ask for you to say yes before it expires it.