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Two master servers in same domain

Level 6

HI All,


Do we need to take any precaution while configuring two master serevrs in same domain, I have configured the same .. both diff os(HU Unix and windows) now what i can see is that same robot is visible in both the hosts.. Is there any risk ?





Level 6

NetBackup licenses are expensive. Wy would you want to do this? Why not have 1 master that can handle all the domain? usually the only time additional masters are required is when you are dealing with multiple domains and DMZ's.


Level 6

In addition to what Bob stated.

In NetBackup you can only have ONE Robot Control Host.  Having multiple robot control hosts can result in your drives going AVR.


This was done at my site before I took over and it caused many problems. 


One Master, make the other a Media server.  If you have to have two seperate systems get two libraries.

Level 6



i agree with both the guys suggestion, but if you still want two master servers with single tape library, check whether you can logically partition your library, as most of the latest libraries can be partitoned.


after partition allocated one for each server.


Level 6

How to logically partition the is HP ESL tape library

Level 6

How many drives you got?


for example if you got 4 drives ..


first you need  to login to your library and partition it as 2 logical libraries with 2 drives for each logical library.


then you can zone two drives to one master server and other two drives to other master server.


you can also check with your HP vendor for logical partitioning of library.

Level 6

yes we have zoned one drive to other master server,  so only one drive is visible to other master server, as of now it is working only concern is robot is visible to both servers..will it lead to database inconsistency


Level 6

How many drives you have in your library?


did you partition your library into two logical library?


if so how did u do the zoning to the master servers?

Level 6
If both masters are robot control hosts that will be a problem.  The databases will be fine.

Level 6



Amazing thing i found was , i disabled the port in SAN switch in older netbackup(one out of 10 drives)

zoned the that drive to other server via same SAN switch.. so that drive was visible to only one server

still i was able to run robtest from both servers and same robo was sensing from both the servers