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Unable to connect to the Netbackup Service Layer Service

Level 3
I get the error message after opening the Administration Console. All I did was click on the MEDIA. After 15 minutes this message comes up:

Unable to connect to the Netbackup Service Layer Service (Netbackup Service Layer Daemon) on host (master server), it failed to respond - Request timed out (195)

Check to make sure that the host is up and that the NetBackup service (or daemons on UNIX servers) are running and properly configured to all access from this hosts.
After resolving this issue, a 'Refresh All' is required to display updated information.

The Service is running on the UNIX master server. I ran 'top' and it shows that nbsl is running at 50%

I'm just trying to the run the inventory to do a: show, compare, preview, update. Anyone know the command line from UNIX (HPUX)

Level 6
Command line equivalents of xvmadm -> robots ->use inventory to update volume configuration: "show robot contents", "compare contents with volume configuration" and "update volume configuration".

The command line equivalent of "show robot contents" is:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmcheckxxx -rt tsd -rn 0 -rh trout -vmhost trout -list

After the -rt argument place the name of the robot type ( robot_type is one of: acs, odl, tc4, tc8, tl4, tl8, tld, tlh, tlm, ts8, tsd, tsh).
After the -rn argument place the robot index number.
After the -rh argument place the name of the media server that is the robot host.
After the -vmhost argument place the name of the volume database host, which should be the name of the master server.
In the above example trout is the name of the media server and also the name of the master server.

The robot command line equivalent of "compare contents to volume configuration" is:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmcheckxxx -rt tsd -r 0 -rh trout -vmhost trout

The command line equivalent of "update volume configuration " for robots that use barcodes is:

/vmupdate -x -rn 0 -rt tsd -rh trout -vh trout -interactive -use_barcode_rules

After the -vh arguement place the name of the volume database host, which should be the name of the master server.
In the above example trout is the name of the media server that is the robot host and it is also the name of the volume database host/master server.

The command line equivalent of "update volume configuration " for robots that do not use use barcodes is:

/vmupdate -x -rn 0 -rt tsd -rh trout -vh trout -interactive -use_barcode_rules -use_seed

Level 6

If you are speaking of Version 6.0 then I would say you need to add the JAVA, CLIENT and MASTER MPx's to this server. I tested Version 6.0 in December and had the same error happen to me. When MP1 came out, I noticed that there were some so called "fixes" for this problem, along with a "boat load" of other things. Anyhow, iI stil have not upgrade to 6.0 because of these types of problems.

Just my two cents...


Level 3
I did upgrade to 6.0 . I also installed MP1 for the client, java, master.

Everything was working great at 5.2 MP1. Any idea when the MP2 is coming out for 6.0.

Level 6

MP2?? My guess is that should be out any day now, maybe Bob knows. Heck it could be out allready, I have not looked.

This is a great link to keep in you favorites, it gives you all the updated info for Netbackup datacenter, opps... I mean Netbackup Enterprise Server.

Take is easy, thanks for the points!


Level 3
I am geting a simular issue .I got the followinged error message.

Unable to connect to the Netbackup Service Layer Service (Netbackup Service Layer Daemon) on host (master server), it failed to respond - Request timed out (103)

Check to make sure that the host is up and that the NetBackup service (or daemons on UNIX servers) are running and properly configured to all access from this hosts.
After resolving this issue, a 'Refresh All' is required to display updated information

I found the the services nbpem & nbjm is stoped even i restart the service is stoping automaticly. Also i am not able to find out one of the policy i was created beforhe this issue start .please help me to sort this issue . Thanks,