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Unable to view the Unix client on Windows NT server

Level 3

Help please..

Fyi, i've installed the Netbackup client v 6.0 on my HP-UX workstation. Everything looks fine during the installation untill the end. I've properly added the netbackup master server hostname which is a Windows NT server.

But untill now, I still can't add the Unix client into the admin console. If I click the 'configure client' button and connect to the unix client using the hostname or IP, i can see the client properties. But after apply the settings, i am not able to view the unix client in the list. There are only Windows client available.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Level 3
by the way, i attach the host file and bp.conf in the unix client..

1. /etc/host    ux-cli01 master02       localhost       loopback

2. /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf

CONNECT_OPTIONS = bac-pen02 2 2 0

Please help. Thanks.

Level 6
what version is you master at?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Yeah, James is right again!  If your master is NT, there's no way it could be running NetBackup 6.0, which means it's at a lower rev than your client, so not only is it just not going to's unsupported.

Level 3

Thanks James and CRZ for the reply.

Sorry I’ve mistakenly informed you about the Master OS..Actually the Master server is running Windows Server 2003 and the NetBackup version installed is 6.0 while Client is running HP-UX 11.23 with NetBackup Client version 6.0.. Is there are any possibilities of unsupport issue happen for this setting?


Level 6
I am a little confused.
"when I click the configure client".......
where is this?
have you added the unix server to a policy ( a standard policy not a windows_nt policy)?

Level 3
Hi J.Hinchcliffe,

Thanks for the reply. Yup, at first, i've created the standard policy for my Unix client and check from the host list in the NetBackup admin console but its still invisible. Today, I reboot the Master server and suddenly I can view my unix client. Still looking for the root cause.

Since you are expert in Unix, i would appreciate if you can share with me on the below issue:
1. When i issue the bp command in my unix client..I can see the NetBackup console
2. I select Restore Menu> Restore  File and Directories From Backups> List Backup Images. I can see list of images have been backup.

Backed Up         Expires       Files      KB     C Sched Type   Policy       Keyword
----------------  ---------- -------- ----------- - ------------ ------------ ------------
05/15/2008 00:51  05/29/2008        1          33 N Cinc Backup  HPUX_DATA_UX NONE
05/14/2008 17:14  05/21/2008        7          65 N Full Backup  HPUX_DATA_UX NONE
05/14/2008 14:45  07/15/2008        7          65 N Full Backup  HPUX_DATA_UX NONE
05/14/2008 12:52  07/15/2008        7          65 N Full Backup  HPUX_DATA_UX NONE
05/14/2008 12:51  07/15/2008        7          65 N Full Backup  HPUX_DATA_UX NONE
05/14/2008 12:20  05/28/2008        1          32 N Full Backup  HPUX_DATA_UX NONE
05/14/2008 11:13  05/28/2008     1804      794737 N Full Backup  HPUX_DATA_UX NONE
05/14/2008 10:36  05/28/2008     1804      794738 N Full Backup  HPUX_DATA_UX NONE

According to the above output, it seems the setup is ok rite?

By the way, when i return to the main Restore Menu and select the option s) Select Files and Directories...the below message has been displayed..

Querying server...

  No items in the database match the specified search criteria.
  Please check the path, date range, and/or directory depth.

Press any key to continue

Anything wrong with my configurations? Appreciate if you can share with me solution..Thanks!!

Level 6
first - it looks good, but you have some filesystems that had very little backed up  (see KB that is how much data that back up has).
when you go back to select files - verify that Policy type is standard.
you get this error if you have a unix client selected but not standard.
or if you have windows but standard.  the policy type has to match the type that they server was backed up as.

Level 3
Hi J.Hinchcliffe,

Thanks for the reply. It was a mistake when i was inserted wrong search path and directory depth. No wonder i can't view the files.

Here is the list when i selected the s) Select Files and Directories from the Restore Backup Menu.

Selections: 1    Current Path: /home/oracle/       
Backup Date                                                                               *->05/15/2008 17:43:42 /home/oracle/syam.txt 

I have selected the file to be restored. Below is the message when i performed the Initiate Restore.
(*Prior to perform the initiate restore, i have deleted the syam.txt file to ensure the file will be restored after the inititiate restore operation)

Restoring the following files


Overwrite if file(s) exist? (y/n) (n): y
Use progress log? (y/n) (y): y
Enter Progress File Path:  (/.root/

diagnostic output will be logged to /.root/

Initiating Restore . . .

The restore was successfully initiated.

Press any key to continue

But, im curious when there is NO syam.txt file been restored. When I checked the log file..the contents is only as follows:

## Contents of /.root/ file ########
Restore started 05/16/2008 09:41:28

There is only a text line stated that restore started at a certain time...I can't see any error code to troubleshoot. Is there are still misconfigurations on my Server or Client? Really appreciate of your help!!! Thanks..

Level 6
can you verify what your "destination" was set to.
remember to always check all the stuff a the top of the screen to make sure it is correct.
verify what server it went to.
or try again and see what the destination is set to.  change it if you need to.
make it a habit to alwasy check the source and destination.

Level 3

Sorry for the late reply. I've tried to restore the data using the server admin console and its worked! However, on the client side, the problem is still there.

I will attach the neccessary configurations later. Thanks much for your help n support!