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backup policy stands with status "write" and do nothing

Level 4
hi there

i have a problem while backup a client. the policy starts and shows status "write" but there nothing happens! the client shows a file, which is backing up, but that is all, what i see. the job stand so for a couple of hours till i cancel it manually.
i have NBU 5.0 MP7 + Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 12GB RAM.

do anybody know whats the problem?

thanks for help

Level 4
So the client has the process running, and connected ( from the netstat -a above ) and yet its hung.

Do you have unusually large timeout values set?  Like the client connect/read timeouts?  So it could be waiting for a timeout before it gives you the proper error

Level 4
its right. but this is my problem. the backup job can wait each days and do nothing. i canceled it still yet. it would not finished, no error no timeout!

Level 6
I am going to give you an example of what I worked on for 3 months before we figure it out, and you can see if it sounds like your issue.
I had jobs that would start and say they were writing.
I may or may not still see the tapes in the drives.
I could not just cancle the job.
I would have to kill the  bpsched's  ( yes many running when they should not be more then one)
I was on a windows master with unix media servers
I would have to stop services, remove some files
then restart services or reboot.
I saw this EVERY day.
turns out that the write cache on the san drives was turned off.  this caused the backups to go so slow that they could not even figure out how to die.
Once the san people turned the write cache back on it worked fine.

Level 4
hi J.Hinchcliffe

this function is actually not activ on my san. all another policies write to this san without errors. but i already tryed to backup to an another storage unit (local on the backup server not at the san) with the same effect. but i have an interesting attitude: i have for the same problem server a policy with two streams. on one stream is my sql-backup files and the another is serveradministrator (files of the dell maintanace software). serveradministrator will be backup by the first attempt and the sql files get network connection time out error(after all attempts)!!!!! i've already destroy all sql files and created new of this with sql-server. i've given for the folder with sql-files an another name. reinstall the backup client. all that do not help.
i can not backup for a couple of MONTHS! has anybody any ideas?

Message Edited by ruffy on 10-08-2007 05:57 AM

Level 6
You say this is not active on your san.
This is my point!
fo 3 months I had issues doing backups where they would just hang.
We TURNED ON the write cache and everything worked fine.

Level 4
i understand you J.Hinchcliffe, but it will not work with an another storage unit local on the backup server. that means this is not the problem. but i do not know why it wan't backup!!!

Level 3
There was a clue way back in the posting: WOFB (Windows Open File Backup).

See these two articles for ideas. Perhaps you can disable this and see if it helps.

Level 6
I didn't take time to read this entire thread, but the last time I had a client that just sat at "write" and didn't do anythign else it was a problem with the NIC card itself.  Try updating the drivers, or swapping out the NIC.
my two cents.

Level 6
Dang, Randy beat me to it!

I was gonna say:  try disabling the Open File Backup option for the clients.
The OFB option likes to create a cache file (VSP) that is a % of the capacity of the disk; if you have a large disk, you get a large cache file.  And the backup process has to fill that cache file before it actually starts sending data to tape.  That takes a loooooong time sometimes.

Here are Randy's links, url'd

Ooo, good tip from Nathan as well!

Message Edited by David Parker on 10-09-2007 01:52 PM

Level 4
hi there

i prooved it with vsp and it es not active for this client. but, after i installed maintanance pack 7 i can backup again. if i connected to the client and start the nbu client, i can not see under details the actual status of this job. does anybody know why? and the backup job starts not at the scheduled plan. whats wrong heer?

Level 4
hey!!! it works again. with mp7 work it.

thanks for help

please close!

Level 6
Sounds like you are satisfied.
I will consider this thread closed.