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Marianne by Level 6
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SQL Database backup and Restoration

Hello Experts, I have SQL Database running on a Win2k3 server and i am using NBU6.0 MP4 client to back up the database. I configured the scripts to backup the database. The backup was successful. later when i carried out full restoration of database,...

MP3 to MP4 client update - What is "New Feature1"?

In doing a remote client update from NBU6.0MP3 to NBU6.0MP4 on Windows 2003 boxes, I see a new strange message.  It only occurs when you run the upgrade from the master and push it to the remote client. In the section where you select the software to...

What does this message mean and how do I go about fixing it?

Hi, What does this message mean and how do I go about fixing it? 01/01/1111 11:11:11 - Warning bpbrm (pid=101) from client BAD-SERVER: WRN - can't open object: Shadow Copy Components:\System State\SYSVOL\SYSVOL\aaa-aaa-aaa-aaaaa (BEDS 0xE000FED1: A f...

Restore never stops running

Hello,    I have a restore I am trying to perform a restore on a single file.  This file should only be 600-700MB, however I killed the backup after 1 hour and 65GB supposedly restored.  I thought I had a bad tape, so I recalled the previous days tap...

tape import Guidance needed

I have been given the task of adding a large batch of "old netbackup tapes" into our current netbackup catalog.  Our current system is netbackup 6 mp4.  unfortunately, no one knows what version of netbackup these tapes are from othe than to say they ...

NBProxy reading my images upon startup

Guys! I am not sure if you have been through this but we upgraded to MP4 on our NetBackup Enterprise server. Now, we have noticed that when we restart NetBackup, the nbproxy will use a fair bit of CPU and there will be a very high I/O Reads. We've no...

Netbackup DLO Option 5.1 upgrade

Hello all, I'm planning Netbackup DLO 5.1 upgrade to 6.0. Looks like server side upgrade should be pretty smooth. My concern are alien agents, will 5.1 agent be compatible with 6.0 server? I'm planning to upgrade client too, but this option will happ...

New Install - Teething Problems

We have just installed the following system and have a few teething problems. Can anyone suggest where the cause of the problem lies or what to look for. My Problem is that one drive on one of the tape libraries(same one each time) tries to mount a t...

Catalog Backup - command line version?

Hi guys,In NBU 5.0 if I want to change the schedule for my Catalog Backups from the NBU Admin Console I would... * expand Netbackup Management* select Catalog* select Actions > Configure Netbackup Catalog Backup* then select what option I require e.g...

System Volume Information filling up - NBU 6.0MP4

I've found an older bit of information from BackupExec in regards to large system files in the system volume infomration folder, that it creates files with a GUID for the name and part of the name is {3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752}. Is this al...

Does anyone actualy use NOM in anger?

I am starting to use it seriously and am customising my own reports for it.Has anyone else done this.Does NOM deliver what you want of it.If there is anything else you would like it to do what would that be?or have you given up with NOM?CheersAl

Email Notification

I specify Administrators email address on Global Attributes tab for Master Server.My nbmail.cmd:Code:@IF "%~4"=="" ( blat.exe %3 -subject %2 -t %1 -i -server smtp.server.lan -q ) ELSE ( blat.exe %3 -subject %2 -t %1 -i smit@test....

Veritas 6.0 MP4 Activity Screen Customisation

Hi All,Occasional reader - first post.I am using NetBackup 6.0 MP4 after a recent clean install following years of use of 4.5 MP6.I am well aware of how to customise the activity screen to include KB/sec and active time etc, but for the life of me do...

bpend_notify scripting

Hey Guys,   We are going to start using this script to send emails to our mobile phone sms gateway when backups fail.But...We need to filter out which ones get reported. Im not a script guy, but I see that the script gets param's called POLICYNAME an...

bpstart / bpend for Restore process

Has anyone either run across or developed a mechanism when a restore is initiated that it will either check to make sure certain applications or programs aren't running on a client before initiating otherwise the job will fail.I'm trying to prevent r...

LTO2 and LTO3 tape barcodes mixed

I am replacing serveral backup masters that have standalone LTO2 drives with new servers and LTO2 libraries.  The existing catalog will have old information on the old tapes, with old barcode labels (123456L2, for instance).  The new tapes will have ...