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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Controlling Replication Jobs

I'm trying to figure out how I can limit the number of replication jobs that will run at one time.  I'd like to make it so only 1 job is active at a time.  This is more to control the data going out the replication network interface then controlling ...

Netbackup 7.7.2 Live upgrade

Hello  I would like to update out Netbackup env to latest 7.7.2. we are running on 7.7.1 master on linux server with linux and windows as clients. we are planning to upgrade on coming Tuesday. we almost have around 1200 clients.  I belive live upda...

Resolved! MAX DB Backup

Hi  our master, media, client all are running at Netbackup Client OS RHEL 6 with MAX DB is running on it, Now we are planning to perform backups and restores of MAXDB from Netbackup. I have checked NBU for SAP guide, there is no clearity...

NBU35 by Level 6
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Vault jobs Lock

Hi,   My current environment is jobs are failing with error code 308 and 306 daily due to which duplication jobs fails with error code 2009 and 2074. I have read once in a post that this generally happens when the duplication batches ...

Need two duplication

Hi, This is my first post, Please correct me if i am wrong. We have backup which is going to my Data Domain (EMC) I need to duplicate them two copies in physical tapes i am using SLP. created two different pools for the both the duplication. ( Pl...

Exchange Backup partially successful

HI We have Exchange policy with full Backup While taking full Backup we are getting error partiallly successful. but while taking Incremental Backup there is no such error. our netbackup version is 7.7. platform is Windows 2012 r2 Standard Excha...

Resolved! NBU media package install on Hyper-v host

Hi Veritas, Can i install NBU media package on Hyper-V hosts itself and backup to tape. If possible to zone tape drive to Hyper V hosts directly, is that i need to add addition HBA or i can utilize any existing ports of the Hyper-V host, please sugg...

Resolved! VMware backup issue

Hi All, We have almost 170+ vmhosts under vcenter, here few servers having RDM Luns where backup is failing with 156 as you guys know snap shot creation won't happen, our client selection is set to automatic where all the hosts will be selected for b...

john10 by Level 6
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Tech Alert: VTS16-001 ... Master Upgrade to 7.7.2

We are in process of upgrading our master server to v7.7.2 from Please share more insight about Tech Alert: VTS16-001. Do we need to install the Hotfix immediate after the upgrade or it can be done later, also what is the process to apply ...

nbu123 by Level 5
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Resolved! Unable to Login to Netbackup Console

Hi  We are using Symantec Netbackup 7.5 ( Server OS= Redhat Linux 5.5). When we are trying to login to Netbackup Console using the command /usr/openv/java/jnbSA & , we are getting a error message like "/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/nbjlogs/jbp...

Resolved! "Symantec" Veritas netbackup client

Install/Upgrade netbackup client Netbackupmaster and media and OPSCenter server is on 7.7.2. Joined the domain Installation from the netbackupmaster server I start C:\admin\NetBackup_7.7.2_Win\PC_Clnt\x64\Setup as administrator, so far so good. but...

PoNuts by Level 3
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Resolved! NDMP Snapshots not Getting Deleted

Team, NDMP backups are configured in our enivronment for Netapp Filers. Backup are running for all the volume except one volume in a NetApp Filer. Issue is  "Backup is getting intitated, Snapshot is getting created Backup goes hung state for few h...

Vamsi1 by Level 5
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UP driver

How to up drive in NBU 7.5, S.O Linux   0   HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.000 hcart  TLD(1)  DRIVE=1       MISSING_PATH:/dev/nst15:HU1342YNY4                               DOWN 1   HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 hcart  TLD(1)  DRIVE=8       MISSING_PATH:/dev/nst14:HUJ...

Resolved! bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket EXIT status = 25

Master: Windows Server 2003 Clients are inside DMZ including the Master and telnet is not allowed. Some of the clients have issue (cannot connect on socket EXIT status = 25) Rest of the clients are working fine. On Clients Multiple IP Sch...

Kernal by Level 4
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Client install information

Hi! I'm trying to find some information on installing the netbackup client onto our HP-UX 11.31 blades but am having a hard time finding anything. I found the install instructions, but they lack some key information that our HP-UX admin is looking f...

Replacing Windows Master with new Hardware?

My windows master servers hardware lease is up and its time to replace.  I'm currently running windows server 2008 R2 and NBU 7.7.2 with NBU being installed to an attached E:\Program Files\Veritas drive.   Im upgrading the OS to 2012 R2, keeping sa...

What I miss in NetBackup - ideas for roadmap

Hallo, we are using NetBackup since last year, with version 7.6.1. During the migration of our backups from other backup softwares to NetBackup I found a lot of new interesting utilities which made things easier and more efficient. However, I also m...

Pulido by Not applicable
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Resolved! Error 636

Hello, we are having trouble with one solaris client, whe the backup is running for 4 hours and 10 minutes exactly it finishes with the next error "read from input socket failed (636)", I have read the other posts but I can´t find the problem, the fi...