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bpdjobs logging

Level 4
I was just requested to keep the job status log for a year on some clients. Is there anyway to do this for only certain clients or is this going to affect all of my jobs? Also, is there a way to just increase the logging level for just this or is it going to affect all logs?

Level 6
It looks like increasing the retention of the logs will apply to ALL logs.

Here are a couple of suggestions for what you can do:
1) Use a piece of 3rd Party software to monitor your job history; this way you're not forced to maintain the log files on the NBU system.

2) You could periodically copy off the bpdbjobs log files to an alternate location for storage (perhaps compressing them with zip or something).

I'm not sure you can filter the logs to only pertain to 1 client, but you could take a look in some of them and see how they're structured and judge for yourself.


Level 6
you can grep by client name then as David stated save them off to another location.

Level 6
Hey, that's cool.
So each line in that log file contains the client name it pertains to?

Sorry to ask, but I haven't really looked at this log file setup ...
I was thinking you could do some grep-work on it, but wasn't sure how the file was constructed ...

Level 4
Thanks guys!
Right now if I run a status of backup report I can go back a month. If I up the logging I can go back longer? Would this be the Global logging level? What would I have to set it to go back a year?

Level 6
Yes, you'd have to increase the global log retention setting (please keep in mind that this is different than 'upping the logging', which usually means increasing the verbosity or defails of the logs).

If you go into the host properties of your master server, on the Global Attributes screen, you will find the 'Keep Logs' field in the 'Cleanup' section of the screen. Changing that, however will keep ALL of your logs for 1 year (unless you manually clean them out).

Actually, that might be a better way for you to do this than copying off the log files periodically as we've suggested. I suspect that if you copy off the logs and then copy them back at some point, they would be usable with the status of backup report, but I'm not 100% sure of that. If, on the other hand, you set the log retention to 1 year and then manually cleaned out all the *other* logs, then I'm very sure you'll achieve what you're after.

Of course, all this depends on how much disk space you have on the master server and how big each of your log files are ... You may need to tune your system accordingly.

OK, 1 quick update (did some poking around): I don't think the 'Status of Backups' Report is actually tied to the presense of log files; I think it's stored in the jobs db or something. Why do I think this? Because I can pull up that report for clients over the last couple years on my server and I *know* that we clean out the log files weekly.


PS. Matthew, please don't forget to assign some points when you feel that your question has been addressed meaningfully. Thanks!

Level 6
RE: Status of Backups Report: What are the retention levels on your backup jobs? 1 Month? If that's the case, then that's why this report only shows the last month. Same thing applies in the 'Client Backups' Report.


Level 4
Yeah David,
I was thinking that as well. Most of my policies have a retention period of 2 weeks but on the Status of Backup Reports I can go back atleast a month. I was thinking that it pulled it from a log but I guess not. I keep the status of my backups in a seprate excel sheel, but I think they want something with the "Veritas" logo on it. Such a pain!

Level 6
Yeah, tough task, that's for sure ...
It might cost something, but maybe you should look at some 3rd Party softwares ...
Some folks here have suggested a couple of products, but I don't remember what they were. Was that your suggestion, Bob?

Oh, here's another idea: You could run your status of backups replrt every couple of week and save the output. Would that be adequate? I know you wouldn't be able to pull up the same thing in the GUI later, but if you just need an audit trail it might be enough.

Level 3
The Status of Backup Reports uses the error logs so it is independent of the backup retention. These logs are located in /Netbackup/db/error. The length of time these logs are kept is set by the global attribute, KEEP LOGS. Here is the command line equivalent if you would like to run it periodically and output to a file:

bperror -U -backstat -s info

Personally we keep these logs for 1 year and use a cron job to delete debug logs after a few days.


Level 4
This is exactly what I was looking for! I just created a batch file to move the contents to another partition once a month. Thanks everyone for your input.