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Storage Foundation Linux for IBM System p-Series Installation Problem

Level 3
Partner Accredited

We are installing the Storage Foundation with Cluster Server on IBM Systems p-Series, when we reach to configure Cluster Management Console as a stand-alone server, the setup gave the following error and VEA is not installed and configured.


VEA Configuration failed

unable to change VRTSat client timeout!


When i check the logs, i find the following information:



OBC:EXE:20080719003819:<:KHI100IDLS001:/opt/VRTSat/bin/vssregctl -f /etc/vx/vss/VRTSat.conf -s -b Security/Authentication/Client -k ConnectTimeout -v 20 -t intOBC:EXE:20080719003819:>:KHI100IDLS001:/opt/VRTSat/bin/vssregctl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryOBC:EXE:20080719003819:>:KHI100IDLS001:exit=127;OBC:ERR:20080719003819:Return code=127! "Unable to change VRTSat client timeout!"OBC:DBG:20080719003819:CPI::prod::common::OBC::get_mode:OBC:INF:20080719003819:OBC_MODE is STANDALONEOBC:DBG:20080719003819:CPI::prod::common::OBC::check_enable_log:Called by CPI::cpi_subOBC:WRN:20080719003819:CPI::prod::common::OBC::check_enable_log:Enabling CPI default logger!0:38:19 exec /bin/ls /var/tmp | /bin/egrep  '^vvr_upgrade_KHI100IDLS001' 2>&10:38:19 0:38:19 exit=1

0:38:19 exec /usr/bin/ssh -x KHI100IDLS001 "LANG=C /bin/ls /opt/VRTS/install/vvrug_KHI100IDLS001 2>/dev/null" 2>&1





Waiting for any earliest possible solution, so that i can continue.



Kamran Alam