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How do I convert an existing backup to a VM image on a different machine?

Level 4
I have a machine that is acting up that has good backup images that crashed when I tried to convert one of the backups to a VM image.  I tried to use another machine to convert the backup to a VM image but I could not get it to work.  First I copied the backup the the backup directory of the other machine, but it did not see it.  Then I browsed for the backup image from the other machine but I just get an error message when I try to convert.  Is there any way to do this when the source machine is no longer working?  If not that seems like a big problem as you would have to know ahead of time that your machine is going to fail and create the VM image then (so you could host the machine virtually while you fixed the problem).

Level 6
Employee Accredited

When you attempted to browse by file name for the *.V2i image locally copied to the system to which will be performing the conversion (e.g. What you would do when the source machine of the recovery point images is down) what was the error message you said you received?


Level 4
I tried it again and this time I did not get an error message.  In fact, it showed the screen like it was going to work and said it was estimating the time remaining, but never progresses.  It actually froze up that machine and I had to power cycle it.  I may try it again and see if I can get the error message, but I will wait till after hours this time.

Not applicable
I've had the same problem. I made an image with BESR 8. I tried to convert it to a virtual machine using VMWare converter and it says that the image is either corrupt or invalid. Then I tried to use the BESR interface to convert it and it locks my whole computer up. I have to hard power it off to recover. I used live update to get all the patches. Was this feature ever tested? I think I'm going to go back to using version 7 until more bugs have been fixed.

Level 2
I have the same problem, I start the conversion process and the client get frezze and after turn off I look in the event log but I didnt found some reason of the fail.

Not applicable
i have had the same problem, im using BESR 8 and VMserver 1.0.6. i have made a backup and tried to open the backup image in VMserver by browsing to the file and changing the file type to *.sv2i i get this error
The virtual machine or image at "D:\Backup\CLK.sv2i" could not be opened.
VMware Virtual Machine Importer has encountered an internal error: A V2I library function call failed: Error ED800001: D:\Backup\CLK_C_Drive001.v2i is corrupt, because its size is not a valid image size.
has anyone resolve this yet

Level 3



You are trying to do what is not possible.You must point VmWare converter at the sv2i index file, NOT the actual v2i files. Renaming those will not work either.


Selecting the sv2i will open the actual images.



Level 6
Is this solved?

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Does booting a pre-made guest OS having a blank HD with the *.iso of the SRD and mapping to the share where the image getting these errors when converted and restoring like a physical machine using the restore Anyware option work for people on this thread?