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Slow Performance when creating images

Level 2
I have just upgraded from 6.5 to BESR 7 due to the Exchange functionality which previously we relied on 10d for.

To say I am disillusioned is an understatement.

The performance in this version is TERRIBLE.

It is taking a very long time (3 Days) to backup 80 Gb of data to my NAS drive, which is a GB NAS device.

Perviously using 10d it took around 3 hours to backup to the same device.  I do still use 10d as we like to use a combination of devices (LTO-3 / NAS) and software.

I am having the same speed issues across all my servers and I didn't have this issue with 6.5

Please can someone tell me a resolution to this before I uninstall the lot?



Level 3
I first thought the same thing when I first ran a backup using the 7.0, the process of backing up 20 gigs took hours. Under 6.5 it was much quicker... anyhow, since that first backup I find the process is just as fast if not faster than the previous version. It could have just a local machine issue.. SOrry I can't be of more help.
Are you being sure to restart the machines after deploying the new 7.0 agent?

Level 2

Yeah I have restarted the mahcines since the ugrade.  Some of the servers have got the new search functionality, but some haven't and I am getting the same issues with both sets.

It is highly fustrating because I have got baselines set for various times and at this rate the incrementals wont have time to run before another baseline is due.

This shouldn't happen with an upgraded product and is either bad design or bad testing

I have even double checked I hadn't set the progress to "slow".  At this piont in time I can't fathom the issue, but would like to hear from anyone else with the same issue?



Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Most of the performance issues (usually while writing to a network location) can be solved by creating the following SYSTEM environment variable on the client system (system creating the image):
Variable name: V2i_BUFFERED
Variable value:  defined
The system will need to be rebooted after this variable has been created.

Level 2

Thanks for the reply, I will try it on a server next week.

I am confused as to why I wold have to introduce this measure now and not before tho.  I have been running this software since it's V2i LiveState days, and I have never had to do anything like this

