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CA Search Accept time

Level 4

Hello All,

I got a interesting situation to investigate.....!!

We have CA deployed which does performs Daily schedule search + Random Sampling on the email from Journal Store and send it to their respective CA department. I got notified that emails from month older showed up recently in the review set sampled under 'Search'

The search cretriea on the scheduled job is set to work on previous days email so 10 schedule run will capture data of 9th which has been working for many years now.

So the question is why the old emails showed up in the Review set now... And that to picked up by Search!!

My best guess here is probably those old day's search got stuck in 'Pending Acceptance' or something like that and recently when the server was rebooted it got accepted... Is this even possible? I personally saw a search which was stuck in 'Pending Acceptance' so i went ahead and restarted EVAMS service and today i see that search is accepted and is 'In Review'...... Would the service restart trigger force acceptance on the stuck search??

Also if there is way to find the 'Search Acceptance Time' on the search  job would be helpful which would prove the assumption above made to be true/false.


Thanks Much!!


Accepted Solutions

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

So this query was originally to gage acceptance rate but I think will work for you.  You need the CaseId and SearchId.

Use this TN for that:

How to obtain the CaseID and SearchID for any search in Enterprise Vault (EV) Compliance Accelerator (CA) or Discovery Accelerator (DA)

Article: TECH72127  |  Created: 2009-01-06  |  Updated: 2009-01-08  |  Article URL

 then change the value in the where clause.


select C.Name, idi.SearchID,

left (convert (varchar, idi.CaptureDate,20),14) as 'Accept Date',
count(*) as 'Items Accepted in hr'

from tblIntDiscoveredItems idi with (nolock)

Join tblCase C on C.CaseID = idi.CaseID

where C.CaseID = 8 and idi.SearchID =11

group by C.Name, idi.SearchID, left (convert (varchar, idi.CaptureDate,20),14)

order by "Accept Date"


--edited:  I corrected a wrong value in the query. 

View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hi Satya,

What version of CA and EV are you working with?

I don't know of any issue where restarting the service would force an Acceptance, only thing I could think of is someone Accepted it and restarting refreshed the status.



Level 4

I am working on v9.0.3

That's the other think i was wondering if someone went in and accepted manually, is there a way we can find the actual Accept Date/Time on a particular search? This will clearify what i am looking for.


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

So this query was originally to gage acceptance rate but I think will work for you.  You need the CaseId and SearchId.

Use this TN for that:

How to obtain the CaseID and SearchID for any search in Enterprise Vault (EV) Compliance Accelerator (CA) or Discovery Accelerator (DA)

Article: TECH72127  |  Created: 2009-01-06  |  Updated: 2009-01-08  |  Article URL

 then change the value in the where clause.


select C.Name, idi.SearchID,

left (convert (varchar, idi.CaptureDate,20),14) as 'Accept Date',
count(*) as 'Items Accepted in hr'

from tblIntDiscoveredItems idi with (nolock)

Join tblCase C on C.CaseID = idi.CaseID

where C.CaseID = 8 and idi.SearchID =11

group by C.Name, idi.SearchID, left (convert (varchar, idi.CaptureDate,20),14)

order by "Accept Date"


--edited:  I corrected a wrong value in the query. 

Level 4

Worked perfectly!! Thanks Much :)