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BE 12.5 Initial setup

Level 3
Hello all. I am fairly new to using BE 12.5 so bear with me. I installed the program on our Windows 2003 Server (standard edition) and set up two jobs-- One full backup to run every friday night and one differential to run on the other days. After setting up the two jobs I requested a full back up (using the first job in manual mode) which ran great. During the time I was expecting the differential to run, it attempted to run another full backup causing our media to run out of space. My question is why did the differential job not run based on the full back that ran earlier on the same day? It appears that it completely ignored the job and went ahead and ran another full back. I have verified the dates are set correctly. Any ideas?

Level 6
Partner Accredited
What do you back up?
Is the selectionlist and the backup destination the same in both jobs?
Did you create the jobs using a policy and a selection list?
Are you using backup (differential and full) with "modified time" or "archive bit" option? 

I would recommend:

- create a selectionlist with the ressources of the machine you want to backup
- create a policy with two templates
   - one template for the full backup using archive bit and a schedule for running weekly
   - one template for an incremental backup using archive bit and scheduled for running daily

Then, let the jobs run, and see, if they work. I would recommend incremental backups, because they do not backup such a big amount of data and the restore is not very complicated with incremental backups, when done from disk. Differential was invented, because it has been quite annoying restoring from incremental backups from tape.

best regards


Level 3
I am using the job setup wizard. Both full and differential backups are based n modified time.
I would prefer to differential rather than incremental.

As I stated before, I am fairly new to this, what would a policy do that a simple job can't?

Level 6

Are you using the same selection list for the DIFF and the FULL?

This is a requirement for Modified Time, but not for Archive Bit

Level 6
Partner Accredited
There is the problem!

As you are using the wizard, I assume you set up 2 selection lists, which is not supported with "modified time" option.

2 possibilities:

1. You use archive bit instead
2. You set the job up, like I wrote in my first post

best regards
