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Fatal error encountered when trying to create a schedule for a backup job

Not applicable
Able to configure job through all steps until I try to set the schedule. The configuration form appears and when I select to option to run at a scheduled time I receive a fatal error. 
External component has thrown and exception.
Stack Trace:
at Backupexec.ui.BEDlgs.JobListShowProperties(Guid guid)
at Backupexec.ui.Data.JobInst.OnProperties(Command command)
After I clear the message, I am not able to access any on screen buttons or any part of the application. It is still visible but it is locked out to input. I must Ctl-Alt-Dela nd end the application. It restarts properly.
Help, help, help

Level 6
Employee Certified
Try a repair install of BE .

Level 2
I've seen exact same issue:
Windows 2003 SBS R2
- A repair did not help
- An uninstallation and reinstallation did not help either - still seeing the same error.  Every other aspect of the application seems to work fine.
Any assistance greatly appreciated,

Level 2
Also Running
Symantec Information Foundation 6.0.5
Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0 MR2
- Any potential conflicts?

Level 2
Ok, found a solution at
Running this resolved issue straight away.

Level 3
Hi folks,

Sorry to bump such an old post, but I'm suffering the same ailment here.

I tried the "solution" 
Unfortunately it didn't work.

I'm running the latest updates for the OS, (Windows Server 2003) as well as Backup Exec, (BE 12, Rev 1364)

Any other suggestions?

Many Thanks!

Level 3
Apparently I wasn't running with the latest updates. I just ran SP3 update last night, rebooted and the problem has been resolved.