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Full and Differential(Using modified Time) not working properly

Level 2
I created a weekly backup( Full -modified time) and diff backup(using modified time)
I did my weekly backup and the next day i did my diff backup. But why my diff backup is backing everything even though there is no changed to the files..

Level 6
The Full and incremental backup reset the archive bit of the files that are backed up. Therefore, if backup job fails, archive bit of files which have been backed up will be reset. However, other applications may modify the archive bit of the files. Refer to the following TechNote:

Also refer the following technote as well.

Title:- When running a differential or incremental backup by modified time, the backup will be as large as the full backup by modified time if the same selection list is not used.

We hope this helps.

Level 2
Thanks Ameet. I used modified time and i am not using the archive bit here.. I tested it with fewer files and it worked fine.. my weekly and differential backup does not work properly..

Level 6
I apologize for giving archive bit reference in the last response.

This issue may occur due to the following reasons:
1. The full and and differential backups are not using the same backup selection list.
2. Make sure under Tools /option/backup Use change journal is not selected, otherwise diiferential backup using modified time wil not work.

"Use the Windows Change Journal if available". Select this option if you want to use WindowsNTFS Change Journal to determine which files have been modified since the last full backup. This option can only be used with NTFS volumes and only when the backup method selected is FULL - Back Up Files - Allows incrementals and differentials using modified time, DIFFERENTIAL - Using modified time or INCREMENTAL - Using modified time.

Most of the time its wrong selection list that causes this error.

Level 2
I've checked everything and it still doesn't appear to be working. Backup using modified time is used for Full and Differential backups. - Selection list are the same.
- Use Windows change journal option is selected in backup profile. - Use Windows change journal option is not selected under Tools->Options->Backup.

Please help...Thanks.