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Backup Exec

Discussion Posts

How to deploy Backup Exec via the AWS Marketplace

How to deploy Veritas Backup Exec on AWS Marketplace.Veritas Backup Exec provides simple, rapid, and secure offsite backup to AWS for your in-house virtual and physical environments and protects cloud-based workloads in AWS. Veritas Backup Exec helps...

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How to deploy Backup Exec via the Azure Marketplace

How to deploy Veritas Backup Exec on Azure Marketplace.Veritas Backup Exec provides simple, rapid, and secure offsite backup to Azure for your on-premises environments and protects cloud-based workloads in Azure. Veritas Backup Exec helps customers r...

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Useful links for Upgrading Backup Exec

At its most basic, the upgrade procedure for Backup Exec is simply running installation media for the most recent version on an existing Backup Exec server. Backup Exec 15, 16 and 20 can be upgraded to Backup Exec 21 with this method. Article 1000443...

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rdmchugh by Level 1
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Resolved! RALUS Install on Linux Mint 13

Hi  We have a couple of Linux Mint 13 machines, and would like to install RALUS on them, however we are getting a failed install. the following guide has been followed: -

JS_IT by Level 4
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Backup Exec 2014 Throughput

I recently upgraded from BE 2010 R3 to BE 2014.   I've noticed the throughput on my jobs has dropped significantly, espcially for jobs backing up Hyper-V Virtual Machines.  The servers in question are in a Hyper-V cluster running Server 2008 R2, and ...

Resolved! Alertas

Buenos días. Podrían por favor indicadme donde y como configuar esta alerta para que se responda automáticamente. Tengo configurados en mis backup,s automáticamente que expulse la cinta, pero no lo hace y por contra me aparece la citada alerta. M...

Resolved! Alertas

Buenos días. ¿Podrían, por favor, indicarme como solucionar esta alerta? Muchas gracias.

Resolved! Sharepoint backup failing

Hi,   The backup job is failing with the following error:   Job ended: Monday, September 22, 2014 at 11:33:03 PM Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000fe49 - An invalid parameter was specified. Final error category: Job Errors For addit...

lanloun by Level 4
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Failed Restoring data from tape. (V79-57344-33031)

Hi. I use BackupExec 2012 V14.0 Rev.1798. Making a restore-job, restore-items selected but there is no storage-item to select: What job name[,storage] and schedule do you want to use? After running job, it failed with V79-57344-33031 - Unable to a...

LouisB by Level 2
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Free space in a Backup Exec Deduplication Folder

Hi. Have: BacupExec 2014, Deduplicate storage. I get this situation again: Free space in deduplicate storage ended and i can't reclaiming space in it. I try to reclaim space: 1. Deleting a part of backup set and refer to the this article: http://...

sekii by Level 4
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Resolved! Exclude individual VMDKs from a V-Ray 2014 backup

We are backing up virtual servers in ESX 5.5 Using Backup Exec 2014 V-Ray edition. Some of these servers have multiple VMDK drives associated with them. Some of the drives on the servers store archive data that does not require backing up at frequent...

T_2 by Level 2
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Unable to backup Symantec Vault Indexes

Hi Everyone, Stayed up almost all of last night trying to figure out what I am missing on this issue... the thing is that I  am using Symantec BE 2012 to backup my Enterprise Vault ( and one of my backup jobs which backs up the indexes d...

Backup Exec 2014 Installrams failes on OSX 10.9

I copied the ralus_rmals_rams-1786.0.tar.gz from the Backup Exec 2014 cd to the mac system.  Then ran the chmod 777 on the file.  then ran tar to inflate the files.  Now when I run the ./installrams as root I get the following errors ./installrams ...

Bhoffy by Level 2
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Resolved! Redirecting a restore

We have two domains in our forest. The Backup Exec server and the client server from which the data was originally backed up are members of the child domain. The server I'm trying to redirect the restore to is a member of the parent domain of the for...

tech43 by Level 4
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Restore local User or Backup exec settings after demoting

Just don't mess with a server when you're not feeling focused, because you can end up something like i did: I have a server (WS2003 R2) which acts as backup server (backup exec 2010). We needed a domain for Cluster services, so we decided to try wit...

Horaceman by Not applicable
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Resolved! backup exchange 2007 with agent

Hi, I have an exchange 2007 vm to backup with backup exec 2012 vray. I use vmware agent to backup the machine, but the machine freezes for 5 or 6 hours when BE remove the snapshot. The problem come from the little free space on the san. Then I want ...

Reinstalación Backup Exec 9.1

Tengo un servidor Windows 2003 Server SP2 con Veritas Backup Exec 9.1 instalado cuyo mantenimiento hemos heredado "como está". El caso es que hay varios servicios de Backup Exec que no se inician: Backup Exec Device & Media Service Backup Exec Job ...

madmax00 by Level 3
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Resolved! The query for ReportCategory failed

Hi, my backup exec 2012 vray server has a strange problem. In the left bottom corner I have an error that say: "The query for reportcategory failed" then I cannot browse the details for the job history. Thank you very much.