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Delete from outlook not working?

Level 3
Hi Everyone,

I am testing migrating PSTs. I am using the client driven PST migration. That part seems to work perfectly. I have the PST Migration policy set to "Yes, create shortcuts in teh associated mailboxes" and have selected: "This folder under the root folder: PST Migration"

After the migration is complete there are 3 folders underneath the PST migration with varying amount of achived items in each.

When I try to delete the PST migration folder in an Outlook client, by clicking shift-delete and then selecting both arhived item and shortcut, I am prompted with a message saying it may take some time to delete that many archived items. And do I want to continue. When I click on YES nothing happens. I've left it for a few hours and nothing ever got deleted. (In total I think there only about 2000 archived items).

If I drill down and select all of the archived items in each of the folders and select shift+delete, I get the same warning messages but they do actually delete.

Anyone have any sugesstions?

I am running EV SP2
Outlook 2003 SP2 with the EV Outook Add-In installed


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Go with the workarounds then perhaps for now, until EV 8 SP 3, or you'll need to contact Support formally and with business justification may be a hotfix can be produced.
Working for

View solution in original post


Level 6
First question if you just try to delete one or two does it work? Is the issue only on mass then? Second option perhaps if all you want to do is get rid of the folders why not do export option and delete folder on export.

Level 6
What version (and service pack) of the EV client are you using?  Is 8 SP 2?
Working for

Level 6
Okay I tested this, and there is a bug that was introduced in the 8 SP 2 client.  There are a few workarounds that you can try out though ... first of all I think this only appears if you have the option to delete archived items turned on, and your shortcut deletion behaviour is set to "both" (meaning when you do a delete you delete the shortcut and the archived item).   Can you check that?

The workaround is to drag and drop the folder you want to delete into the deleted items folder, then empty the deleted items folder afterwards.  However this doesn't delete you archived items, only the shortcuts.
Working for

Level 3
The Don: Yes if I delete 1 or 2 then it works just fine (deleting both the shortcut and the archived item). Your option of exporting would work but that doesn't prevent clients from putting in helpdesk tickets when I roll this out to production saying that they cannot delete folders. :)

Rob Wilcox: You are correct. I have the option to delete archived items turn on, however I have the shortcut behavior set to "ask user". If the user selects to delete only the shortcuts then yes they delete just fine but the archived items stay. If they select both, this is where the issue occurs and nothing happens. I'm glad to hear I found a bug though. :)

Level 6
Go with the workarounds then perhaps for now, until EV 8 SP 3, or you'll need to contact Support formally and with business justification may be a hotfix can be produced.
Working for