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Help, 2 instances showing up.

Level 5


im in the middle of restoring an EV environment, and one of the steps accoring to one of the docs was to run the config wizard and it would pick up the instance already installed and do a repair on it, in this case it didnt, it added a new one instead, i think this is messing me up more now, how do i remove the new one i created.


see attached.



Level 6
Employee Accredited

Hello jpergola,

What option was selected when running the config wizard? It looks like you have two entries in the SiteEntry table at this point; in that case, you need to restore the EV SQL databases again and re-run the EV config wizard.

I hope this helps.

Level 5

i think i see what happened, the server name is different, so it saw it as a new instance i guess?

what if i change the name in the database?



Partner    VIP    Accredited

if the server name changed then you do have to make some updates in the database. are you following the documentation?

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Are you saying that the NETBIOS name is different or just the EV DNS alias was changed?

How to change the DNS alias of the Enterprise Vault server

Level 5

andrew, yes im following, the only differencr was th name.

gabev, the server name changed ie abcd to abcd-dr


Level 6
Employee Accredited

Ok, in that case, you need to follow this technote:

How to rename an Enterprise Vault (EV) Server.

I hope this helps.

Level 6
Essentially your issues was a restore of EV to a server with a different name. Or problems with DNS. After the rename will have to remove the extra entries in the site entry and computer entry tables. If you are not confidant of manual deletions in the DB i would restore the directory db from backup( especially if EV was in backup mode and no changes done after the botched running of the config wizard. )I suspect another issue could be DNS After the restore ensure your DNS alias entry for the evserver has been updated to point to the current(if changed) and ipconfig/flushdns has been run, so if you ping your EV server alias and vault site alias you should return your current ev hostname and ip. Next one you run the config wizard it would say that EV directory service is already configured, so you will need to uninstall EV and install it again so you can get the registry to reflect that the directory service has not been configured. So that brings you back to your original state before making the incorrect selections in the configuration wizard. So here is the part is your current computername and dns exactly the same as before of are yiu restoring to a different computer name. If it is different follow this technote word for word - How to move Enterprise Vault to a new server If everything is the same and DNS resolutiom is wotking as expected skip to point #13 ". Begin the Enterprise Vault Configuration as if this were a new installation. Once the SQL server information is entered the configuration process will detect the existence of an original installation and will repair the database service to point to the new server. Once this is done, the following will be displayed. "The computer was already found in the directory but some the enterprise vault services needed updating. The repair was completed successfully - your computer is now fully configured. If you have any questions give me a shout else an option is to go via support route and log a case