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I am having Errors

Level 5

Hi Tony,

After 5 hours of exporting I am having the below errors: (its stopping the EV services automatically and only happening with the users who have more then 60,000 emails to export)

=> The archives listed below will be exported to one or more PST files.
=> Age filtering of archived items is off
=> Retention Category filtering of archived items is off
=> Folder filtering of archived items is off
=> New PST files and configuration files will be created in location 'D:\FTN PST Archives'
=> PST file size is not limited
=> The PST folder hierarchy will be constructed under the top level folder of the mailbox
=> New PST files will support multilingual Unicode data but will only be compatible with Outlook 2003 or later

Report file: C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\Reports\Export_20120528115753.txt

Archives to be exported:
Sue S

Time log:

Time: 15:45:51
  Export of archive Sue S failed because the Storage service was shutdown.
  Reason: Storage Service shutdown    

End time: 15:45:51

Results Summary:

Sue S : Failed
  Storage Service shutdown    
Storage server: NHSCARC1
Exported = 32785; Failed = 12275; Remaining = 54979 (54%)
Number of PST files/.cfg files created: 2
D:\FTN PST Archives\SueS_Export_0001.pst
D:\FTN PST Archives\SueS_Export_0002.pst

Number archives processed:  0
Number archives being processed: 0
Number archives part processed:  0
Number archives not processed:  0
Number archives failed:   1

{end of report}


Could you please advise..


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

So why did the Storage Service stop?  You need to look in the EV event log. 

Level 5

I have just disabled the mailboxes and will try again now.


Do you think this was the issue?

I iwll check the logs as well.


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

There can be serveral reasons for the Storage Service to stop, thats why you need to look at the Event log.

Level 5

Except the service has stopped errors (with out any reason) in event log which is a bit strange.

I am still looking and see if find anything. Will update you soon.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

if it looks like it stopped for no reason, check the System Log for the Service control to see if someone sent it a shut down request

Level 5

Its only me and my manager had access to this server, I checked the System logs, it olny says:

The Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service service was successfully sent a stop control.

The problem is only appearing when exporting large mailbox as an archive.

1- Just to recap, what I did, I disbale the mailboxes for archiving

2- Export the small mailbox as pat and worked.

3- export a large mailbox(archive to pst) which have had about 110, 000, when it reaches to 3500 files; it stops all the ev services.

I am really keen to fix the issue and unfortunately cann't find/see any error what stopping the services.

Would it be a good idea to zap the archive into other server and export as a pst from there or some thing similar?

Its only pressure is rising to accomplish this task and I am two days late already.

Your help would be highly appreciated on this.




Level 6
Accredited Certified

What version of Ev are you running ans also what version of the OS is EV server running on? Check the link below they may help you?

Have you got backup scripts scheduled that also stop and start EV services?



Level 5

I am not taking backups since last two days however this issue is occuring since last week:

Also I have these errors in main console:

1)The fingerprint database 'EVVSGDefaultGroup_1_1' transaction log for Vault Store Group 'Default Group' has not been backed up for 2 days. The information in this database is at risk until the database has been backed up.

2) The SQL database transaction log for Vault Store 'Mailbox' has not been backed up for 3 days. The information in this database is at risk until the database has been backed up.

3) The SQL database transaction log for the Enterprise Vault Directory database has not been backed up for 3 days.

I will go through theabove links now as well.

Do you think the above errors are related, although they just appeared and even when theyw ere not there I was still having the same issue.

I am using EV 8.4 on Server 2003 standard.

In regards to your questions:  backup scripts scheduled - I am not sure wheer to look for this?




Level 6
Accredited Certified

Those warnings and errors mean that you haven't backed up your EV environment for 2-3 days so they are not related to the Storage Service being shutdown. You need to check Windows scheduled task and the backup software that you use (or used to) to back up EV and check the pre and post scripts. Ensure that you exclude the stop and start of EV services in the scripts if they exist (and you can find them).

Windows 2003, the link above will probably help too.

Also, in Control Panel - Mail ensure that all the MAPI connection profiles are cleaned up, this may help too.

Level 5

I did change the red settings and increase the MSMQ size and started the process again, will see how it goes from here.

I will also check the other option you sugegsted above and feed back the results.

Thanks all for the help really appreciated.

Level 5

and again no erros on EV, its really frustrating.

I have asked third party engineers to help me here for their support. Lets see how it will go from there.


Level 6
Accredited Certified

Just a matter of interest, when you changed the MSQM memory from the link did you reboot the EV server?

Level 5

After reboot, I am unabel to RDP to the server though, I am using Demware for the remote session.

But yes I did reboot the server and add the reg key as well.

any thoughts would be very helpful

Level 6
Accredited Certified

That's weird, usually there should be an event log for the EV storage shutdown espcially with PST import and export.

You'll probably need to set the dtrace to dtrace the PST export processes hopefully it will show more details.

If not then you'll need to log a case with Symc Tech Support.

Level 5

However i have logged a call and waiting for a response now.

Also Can I please ask one more thing; the problem is only occuring on large mailboxes which have about more than 110,000 emails. is there a way to restore only last 3 months emails?

If there is please let me know as it would be very helpful for time being.



Level 5

Restoring for last three months now. I hope it works...(Fingers Crossed)

Level 6
Accredited Certified

No worries. Hopefully Symc tech Support will be able to help you and resolve this issue. Possible a known issue or a bug. :)

Level 6

Is it consistently failing at about the same number of exported items?

Working for