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OWA cannot open EV archived attachment

Level 4

Dear all

We have a problem on the OWA cannot open the EV archived attachment. The error meaage is:
 "The archived item is currently unavailable"
When click the error meaage, it will redirect to http 403 error page.

We tried to reinstall the OWA extention in exchnage server but still failed. Below is the OWA log:


5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] Request processing started
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] Url:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] RawUrl: /owa/Default.aspx?ae=Item&a=Open&t=IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut&id=RgAAAAA%2bdrvYRw5rS72vr3%2fRCe0lBwB9Up%2biiqbWT6PR%2fJQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAB9Up%2biiqbWT6PR%2fJQQ3fLgAAAZnkL1AAAJ
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] Query String parameters:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     ae: Item
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     a: Open
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     t: IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     id: RgAAAAA+drvYRw5rS72vr3/RCe0lBwB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAAZnkL1AAAJ
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] Form:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] OWA Session details
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     Authentication type: Basic
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     Authenticated user: abc\user1
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     Client IP Address:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     Server IP Address:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67]     Host:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] Primary SMTP Address:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] EV Extensions DLL version:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [RequestProcessor::StartImpersonation] Impersonating logged on user
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [EVContext::Initialise] EVContext intialised at 5/30/2014 4:51:47 PM
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [EVContext::Initialise] Hidden settings loaded at 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [EVContext::IsValidBrowser] Returning: True
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [RequestProcessor::ProcessItem] started
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [RequestProcessor::ProcessItem] Processing EV item
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [RequestProcessor::ProcessOWAItemAction] started
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [RequestProcessor::ProcessOWAItemAction] Opening archived item
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [Id::EwsId] Converting OwaId to EwsId
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxBase::MailboxBase] Connecting to Exchange Web Services using: https://localhost/ews/exchange.asmx
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [ConvertId::DoConvertId] Converting ID using web services
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [Id::EwsId] Converted OwaId to Mailbox EwsId: AAMkADYzZGRhMjczLWNlMzYtNDZiYy1iOWI5LWRkYjhhY2E4MzYwNABGAAAAAAA+drvYRw5rS72vr3/RCe0lBwB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAAZnkL1AAA=
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxBase::MailboxBase] Connecting to Exchange Web Services using: https://localhost/ews/exchange.asmx
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties] Loading properties for: AAMkADYzZGRhMjczLWNlMzYtNDZiYy1iOWI5LWRkYjhhY2E4MzYwNABGAAAAAAA+drvYRw5rS72vr3/RCe0lBwB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAAZnkL1AAA=
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties] Loaded item properties:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Id: AAMkADYzZGRhMjczLWNlMzYtNDZiYy1iOWI5LWRkYjhhY2E4MzYwNABGAAAAAAA+drvYRw5rS72vr3/RCe0lBwB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAAZnkL1AAA=
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Change Key: CQAAABYAAAB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAAjIyH2
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Message Class: IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Size: 4223
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Parent Folder Id: AAMkADYzZGRhMjczLWNlMzYtNDZiYy1iOWI5LWRkYjhhY2E4MzYwNAAuAAAAAAA+drvYRw5rS72vr3/RCe0lAQB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAA=
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Archive Id: 10D04F53B98CCFC4086552BA3222F15301110000EVSYS
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Saveset Id: 201010086560828~201007051127050000~Z~C000AEB7651A88A883FCD889721856A1
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Original Message Class: IPM.Note
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Original Content Class: urn:content-classes:message
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Original Size: 32496
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   View Item Ref Count:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Content Class: urn:kvsplc-com:cc:vault:shortcut
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Archived Date: 10/9/2010 2:00:33 AM
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Restored Date:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Post Processed Date:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Last modified time: 10/9/2010 2:00:28 AM
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   PR_URL_NAME: /Inbox/AD migration in Paramount Printing status update-3.EML
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   PR_ICON_INDEX:
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [MailboxItem::LoadProperties]   Original Icon Index: -1
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [Id::OwaId] Returning cached OwaId: RgAAAAA+drvYRw5rS72vr3/RCe0lBwB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAAZnkL1AAAJ
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request url: https://localhost/exchange/ Items/10D04F53B98CCFC4086552BA3222F15301110000EVSYS!201010086560828.201007051127050000.Z.C000AEB7651A88A883FCD889721856A1.EML
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request method: PROPFIND
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request timeout (milliseconds): 30000
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Adding FBA cookies
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Adding Depth header: 0
5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request body: <?xml version="1.0"?><d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:" ><d:prop><mapi:x0FFF0102 xmlns:mapi="" /><exch:outlookmessageclass xmlns:exch="" /></d:prop></d:propfind>
5/30/2014 4:58:33 PM [516,67] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Exception sending WebDAV request: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
   at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.ExchangeStoreAccess.WebDAVRequest.Send()
5/30/2014 4:58:33 PM [516,67] [EVServerRequest::CreateRequest] Sending request to: /restoreo2k.asp?vaultid=10D04F53B98CCFC4086552BA3222F15301110000EVSYS&savesetid=201010086560828~2010... Items
5/30/2014 4:58:33 PM [516,67] [RestoreRequest::Send] Exception sending request to restore item: System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
   at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
   at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(String requestUriString)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.EVServerRequests.EVServerRequest.CreateRequest(String sUrl)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.EVServerRequests.RestoreRequest.Send()
5/30/2014 4:58:33 PM [516,67] [RequestProcessor::RestoreAndActOnItem] Item not restored
5/30/2014 4:58:33 PM [516,67] [Id::OwaId] Returning cached OwaId: RgAAAAA+drvYRw5rS72vr3/RCe0lBwB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAB9Up+iiqbWT6PR/JQQ3fLgAAAZnkL1AAAJ
5/30/2014 4:58:33 PM [516,67] [RequestProcessor::RestoreAndActOnMailboxItem] Redirecting client to: /owa/?ae=Item&a=Open&t=ipm.note.enterprisevault.shortcut&id=RgAAAAA%2bdrvYRw5rS72vr3%2fRCe0lBwB9Up%2biiqbWT6PR%2fJQQ3fLgAAALEpf1AAB9Up%2biiqbWT6PR%2fJQQ3fLgAAAZnkL1AAAJ&EVItemUnavailable=1
5/30/2014 4:58:33 PM [516,67] [RequestProcessor:StopImpersonation] Stopped impersonation
5/30/2014 4:58:33 PM [516,67] Request processing finished





Level 6
Employee Accredited

Are you able to connect on

Make sure you CAS Server IP's are added in allow list on EVAnon virtual directory on EV Server.

Level 4


The server can be telnet by port 443, all CAS server added in EVAnon virtual directory and the CAS server's IP add into the exchangeservers.txt file already.

The OWA can access the archived attachment before, but our user found that it fail few days ago.

We have 2 CAS servers, we tried to use host table to force OWA connect to each CAS for testing but both failed. So I think not relate on the OWA extensions installation.




Level 5
Employee Accredited

The interesting line there is:

5/30/2014 4:58:12 PM [516,67] [EVContext::Initialise] Hidden settings loaded at 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

Looks like it failed to load the EV settings, so there is no server in the URL it creates to contact the EV server. The weird part is that if it doesn't load the hidden settings, then we'd usually disable EV functionality anyway.

Can you please post the top of the log file so we can see why it's not loading the hidden settings?

Level 4

Dear Andrew


Attach is the full OWA log file.

For your reference, we have disabled all EV action button on OWA. We only let users open the archive email in OWA  




Level 5
Employee Accredited
5/30/2014 4:51:26 PM [516,66] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request url: https://localhost/exchange/
5/30/2014 4:51:47 PM [516,66] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Exception sending WebDAV request: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

So the request we make to the local Exchange server is failing for some reason. Can you drop that URL in a browser and see what happens?


Also, the IP address in the exception looks to be the client address, not the Exchange server address. Can you check that localhost is defined correctly in your hosts file?

Level 6

The WebDAV error matches this technote

looks like user logged on to OWA via http and not https any issues on https connections? 443?

Level 4

Hi Andrew

The IP in the exception means the It is the ISA server IP, the OWA was publish by this server, the url "" is point to it.

When access the https://localhost/exchange/ in the exchange server, it can access the OWA but prompt cert error (the cert don't have 'localhost' name).

BTW, sorry that I notice that 443 port was blocked during I generate the log last time. So attach is the new OWA log, seems the error was change to "The remote server returned an error: (501) Not Implemented"



Level 4

Hi Merv


Use the http and https to logon OWA have the same issue. And thanks fo your advise, our network team notice me the firewall really blocked 443 during last time I generate the log. Now we have the new error: (501) Not Implemented in the OWA log



Level 6

Looks like it's not your day..issues after issues - this TN talks about 501 errors

Any further issues work through this troubleshooting guide and also look at  downloading and using EVORT tool to check for issues: