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The Archiving/Journal Task will pause to let it recover. [0xc0040b31] |

Level 4

Hi Everyone,


I have a problem I cannot make my EV server to decrease the number of the queue's I have taken dtrace of archive Task I saw something like The Archiving/Journal Task will pause to let it recover.      [0xc0040b31] |

Dtrace shows thousands of that entries. 


1633      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CVaultStatusCache::LoadEntry EntryId:1B90A1806F5CED14E82DCCFFF9FDCFB351110000vaultsite.xx.domain hr:0x0 RollingOverFrom: RollingOverTo:

1634      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CStorageArchive::GetVaultStatusData|Vault ID: 1B90A1806F5CED14E82DCCFFF9FDCFB351110000vaultsite.xx.domain|Status: 1|Limit Status: 0|Storage Svc: 1C0BFD6E89A33FA43A1ECC8FE95FC0A881e10000vaultsite.xx.domain|Rollover Vault :|Vault Store Status: 0

1635      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CStorageArchive::GetVaultStatusData (Exit) |Success  [0] |

1636      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:L       CStorageArchive::GetVaultThrottleStatus (Entry) |

1637      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CStorageArchive::GetVaultThrottleStatus() - StorageServiceId: 1C0BFD6E89A33FA43A1ECC8FE95FC0A881e10000vaultsite.xx.domain | ThrottleStatus: 5

1638      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CStorageArchive::GetVaultThrottleStatus (Exit) |Success  [0] |

1639      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CStorageArchive::GetVaultStatus|Modifying Vault status with throttled status|ArchiveID: 1B90A1806F5CED14E82DCCFFF9FDCFB351110000vaultsite.xx.domain|Directory Status: 1|Throttle Status: 5|

1640      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CStorageArchive::GetVaultStatus (Exit) |Success  [0] |

1641      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CCAAgentHelper::ArchiveMarkedItems - Archive 1B90A1806F5CED14E82DCCFFF9FDCFB351110000vaultsite.xx.domain|Status: 5|Limit: 0|VS Status: 0

1642      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CCAAgentHelper::ArchiveMarkedItems - Error [0xC0040B31]

1643      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CDirectoryVaultObject::GetAttributeListFromType Attribute list for type ExchangeMailboxEntry : ExchangeMailboxEntryId,MbxIdentity,LegacyMbxDN,MbxDisplayName,MbxAlias,MbxNTUser,MbxNTDomain,MbxArchivingState,MbxExchangeState,ExchangeMbxType,MbxWarningLimit,MbxSendLimit,MbxReceiveLimit,MbxSize,MbxItemCount,DefaultVaultId,City,Company,Country,Department,EmployeeType,FirstName,LastName,Office,State,Title,UseQuota,LastModified,EnabledPstImport,PolicyEntryId,PSTPolicyEntryId,PolicyTargetGroupEntryId,PolicyTargetMemberEntryId,ADMbxDN,ExchMbxGUID,MbxStoreIdentity,ADMbxFlags,DesktopPolicyEntryId,MbxSuspended,MoveArchiveShortcutSubtask

1644      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CMailboxUsage::RemoveUserFromList - Removing MbxDN to List:[/O=xxxxx/OU=xxxxxxx-TR/CN=xxxxxxx/CN=xxxxxxx]

1645      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CAA::AMI() - Error occurred in folder:  , on mailbox /o=xxxxx/ou=xxxxxxx-TR/cn=xxxxxx/cn=xxxxxxxxx.  [Attempt: 0, Error: 0xC0040B31]

1646      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ArchiveMarkedItems() (Exit) |While processing mailbox %1 the Storage Service reached its lower MSMQ threshold. The Archiving/Journal Task will pause to let it recover.      [0xc0040b31] |

1647      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:H      :AgentMessageDispenser::ActivateObject() |Exiting routine at point A |

1648      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     :AgentMessageDispenser::ProcessNextMessage() |ActivateObject has returned failure |

1649      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     AgentMessageDispenser::ProcessNextMessage - AGENTS_E_DISPABORTITEM, agent will sleep and abort the the current MSMQ Transation

1650      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11364>              EV:M     AgentMessageDispenser: 1 of 8 Agent threads is pausing

1651      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11364>              EV:M     AgentMessageDispenser::LogPauseReason - First Dispenser Thread to Sleep

1652      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFilterHelper::StampDefaults - calling SetProps

1653      14:33:20.864      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFilterHelper::StampDefaults - calling SaveChanges

1654      14:33:20.879      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     MAShortcutUpdate: Checking whether shortcut update is required for VaultID: 19D3A1C7B02FDC342878F48EE720FB4171110000vaultsite.xx.domain

1656      14:33:20.879      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M                CBaseDirectoryServiceWrapper::CreateDirectoryService() - Entry [m_nNumTries = 40]

1657      14:33:20.879      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:L                CBaseDirectoryServiceWrapper::CreateDirectoryService() - Successfully communicated with an EV Directory Service on the local machine

1658      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:H      :CArchivingAgent::ProcessUser() |Reading users quota limit and current usage |

1659      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:H      A storage limit has been found on mailbox CN=xxxx,OU=xxxx,OU=xxxxx UK,OU=xxxxx,DC=xx,DC=xxxxxxx| Quota Type: QUOTA_NO_SEND_RECEIVE| Quota Limit (K): 10000000| Quota Used (K): 585443| (Note: The information store default has been overridden at the mailbox level) |

1660      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:H      :CArchivingAgent::ProcessUser() |We have an enabled mailbox that is ready for processing. |

1661      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     MAPICommon::GetFixed_PR_FOLDER_PATHNAME() - Reading PR_FOLDER_PATHNAME

1662      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     MAPICommon::GetFixed_PR_FOLDER_PATHNAME() - The source folder is the root of the information store, returning an empty string

1663      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     MAPICommon::GetFixed_PR_FOLDER_PATHNAME() - Setting output parameter [ ]

1664      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFolderHelper::GetFolderSettings - getting folder filter/policy for [ ]

1665      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <12108>              EV:M     AgentMessageDispenser: 2 of 8 Agent threads is pausing

1666      14:33:20.895      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11336>              EV:M     AgentMessageDispenser: 3 of 8 Agent threads is pausing

1667      14:33:20.910      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFilterHelper::GetExchangeFolderPolicy (Entry)

1668      14:33:20.910      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFilterHelper::GetExchangeFolderPolicy - filterType = [Using users default policy]

1669      14:33:20.910      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFilterHelper::GetExchangeFolderPolicy - default policy locked = [1], default strategy locked = [1], setByConfigTool = [0], deletedVault = [0]

1670      14:33:20.910      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFilterHelper::GetExchangeFolderPolicy (Exit). hr=<0x40380>

1671      14:33:20.910      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFilterHelper::CheckMovedFolderSettingOnMsg - moved folder prop not found

1672      14:33:20.910      [7156]  (ArchiveTask)    <11568>              EV:M     CFolderHelper::GFS(Top of Information Store/(null)) - The archiveVEID has changed from the previous folder

Thanks in advance



Accepted Solutions

Level 4


When you manual archive the item, what was the throttle status? You are archiving some items rights?

I was referring to EV DBs fragmentation in SQL.  Change of the VSA password got nothing to do with this, but your symptom sounded like a performance issue.

Run "DBCC SHOWCONTIG" on EV DBs in SQL. If EV DBs are fragmented then run SQL maintenance job. Otherwise, post the dtrace of ArchiveTask and StorageArchive or might want to open case with support.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited

Level 4

Thank you for your answer Percy but I have alreadychecked that technote and Thresholds are set like in the technote 

 ThrottleLowerThreshold Dword 0x00001388(5000)

ThrottleUpperThreshold Dword 0x00002710 (10000)
Thank in advance

Level 4

Hi Everyone I want to add some informaton about the problem. Actually our problme is the very very slow archiving and the archive queue increasing. The problem occurs after we changed Vault Service account password through the technote.


Our vault version is 9.01.1073


Thanks in advance

Level 6
Employee Accredited

I suggest you reset the password again and then reboot.

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

Tumay -

What version of Exchange are you running?

Does this occur when running the archive task against a single mailbox?

Any odd errors in the Exchange App Event log?

Level 4

What is archiving rate? If there isn't obvious error in event log then you need to find out if bottleneck is from pre or post archiving process. I would check SQL DB as well.

Level 4


We are using Exchange 2007. If I run the archiving task against one mailbox the archiving queue is increasing and it takes long time to decrease. Actually I tried to manuel archive of a single e-mail and it increased the queue by 1 and it doesn't decrease. And the item stuck in pending state. 


Before we change the password the queue never so high. It can process 500 items in a couple of minutes. 

What do you meen to check SQL can you specify the points to check?


Thanks everyone.

Level 4


When you manual archive the item, what was the throttle status? You are archiving some items rights?

I was referring to EV DBs fragmentation in SQL.  Change of the VSA password got nothing to do with this, but your symptom sounded like a performance issue.

Run "DBCC SHOWCONTIG" on EV DBs in SQL. If EV DBs are fragmented then run SQL maintenance job. Otherwise, post the dtrace of ArchiveTask and StorageArchive or might want to open case with support.

Level 4

Hi all,

CareFreeX we solved the issue like you said. Wedid a SQL maintenance. We run a SQL fragmantation query and then rebuild indexes. We empty the temp folders. After all these step issue was solved. 

Thank you all for your helps.