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Connect 2 nics or 2 nets

Level 3



i have a problem, i need install 2 agents in diferentes nets, the agents are installed without errors but when i try to make a backup this faild with the follow error:


Error: 15: \\?\C:\: could not store ACL (connection timed out)
Error: 15: Could not establish a connection to connect failed (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. )
Error: 15: An unexpected error occurred during communication with a remote
system. Please use the following information, examine the system
or program log file to determine the exact cause of this error.


Level 4



Do you have a firewall in the path between server and clients? If so, have you checked port requirements as specified in the admin guide?


Hope that helps,


Level 3
This really sounds like a network issue.

Level 6

I had this problem too, haven't found solution yet.

Basically, I think what's happening is your content router(s) got two or more IPs on two or more different subnets.

And some agents are on one subnet, while the rest are in the other.


When a backup runs, few different commucations take place between SPA/MB/CR/agent.

And at the beginning, I think "routing table" information is exchanged/verified, although routing table is usually set up on the agent at the time of agent service start.


The problem here is that the routing table is not being "detected" by the agent, to choose what network/IP that it wants to use - instead the routing table information is "given" by the server(SPA/Controller, whichever it may be) and I think it's the same across all the agents, regardless of their subnet they are sitting in.


If anyone could advise, please.




Level 4
Please make sure for host entry & also check DNS configuration on both the server.

Level 4
Abe is partially correct. Mayur is right, this is a network problem. The content routers will listen on the local IP address that resolves to the installed name (or on the IP specified as the hostname if that was how the CR was installed). So if there are clients on a different subnet than the CR's IP address that resolves to the CR's installed hostname, then the client has to be able to route IP traffic to the CR. The routing tables PD uses are not network routing tables....they only specify the range of fingerprints to send to specific CR's.
However, you may need to use network routing tables to route the IP traffic to/from the CR.