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New error during updgrade Permission denied

Level 2

I now have the install extracted, but am receiving the following error.
Applying 'NB_PDE_6.6.1.2' (upgrading to
+ Logfile: /var/log/puredisk/upgrade/NB_PDE_6.6.1.2/2011-08-17_13h40-main.log
+ Extracting installer components...
+ Stopping Scheduler (cron daemon) to prevent new jobs being started
+ Checking if PureDisk DataBase (pddb) is running
+ Checking for running or scheduled jobs...
  No running or scheduled jobs found.
+ Checking 'topology.ini'
+ Validating host names in topology file
+ Upgrading to NB_PDE_6.6.1.2
+ Extracting installer components...
+ Stopping the PureDisk services on all nodes...
Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).
!! An unexpected ERROR occured during the upgrade !!
   Your Storage Pool can be in an inconsistent state now!
   Please contact Symantec Support team and provide them with
   the content of '/var/log/puredisk/upgrade/NB_PDE_6.6.1.2/2011-08-17_13h40-main.log'.
!! Upgrade aborted !!


Any ideas? or is this just a open a ticket situation?


Level 2

I have checked the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. PasswordAuthentication yes


This is from the log. Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).^M

Could not connect to node over ssh.
Please check IP address and verify that an ssh key was exchanged with this machine.

ERROR with exitcode = 1