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Puredisk DR Full Backup Does Not work

Level 3

I am having trouble running Full DR backup Policy. This is started happening when I setup using both Incremental DR backup and Full DR backup policies.

When it run the Full DR backup policy it always running Incremental DR backup. I also noticed DRFull parameter is set to blank (ie: DRFull: ). This could be why it is running incremental backup

When I run Incremental DR backup policy, it runs incremental DR backup and DRFull is set to 0

Both policy ran successfully with out generating error message. There were no other jobs running while the DR backup jobs were run.

I have logged a case with Symantec few weeks ago. I have not received any reply from Symantec yet.

Puredisk version: 6.5 (build: 14121)
Netbackup version 6.5.2a

Has anyone come across this issue and know a fix for this ?

Thanks in Advance.


Accepted Solutions

Level 3
Try the following steps, if you have similar problem.

1) To check the value of DRFull Paramater in policy #7 (DR Full Backup)

/opt/pddb/bin/psql -U pddb ca -c "select * from policyparam where policy=7"

2) If it is empty, set the value to 1

/opt/pddb/bin/psql -U pddb ca -c "update policyparam set value=1 where key='DRFull' and policyid='7'"

3) Confirm DRFull is set to 1 for Full DR backup policy

/opt/pddb/bin/psql -U pddb ca -c "select * from policyparam where policy=7"

4) Run Full DR backup policy to confirm it is successful

View solution in original post


Level 6

Are you checking on the size of the backup from NetBackup activity monitor - and from that, you can see the backup is running too quickly or backing up too small amount of data?

How big is your /Storage and /Storage/data, how many nodes do you have in your Storage Pool, and how much data is backed up by NetBackup?

I do not know about the DRFull parameter, sorry.

But if you logged a case (and if you have a case-ID provided by Symantec) then Symantec not coming back to you for weeks does not really sound right - call them and ask for the case to be redispatched to the next engineer, also raise your call severity to 2-Critical.


Level 3
Thanks Abe

We currently have 1 node in the storage pool

/Storage is 140 GB
Total size of /Storage/data is 1.1 TB. There are currently around 800 GB of data stored for 10 sites.

I set up 10 Export jobs to netbackup to backup the data to tape. The amount of data that get backed up to tape is same as the amount in /Storage/data.
Also I noticed the amount of data backed up DR Full Policy & DR Differential Policy is the same. It appears if both policies are running Differential backup.

The severity for the cae is already set to 2-Critical

Level 6
When I test edDR backup jobs with 3 node PureDisk Storage Pool (SPA-CR-CR) I saw 22 NetBackup jobs from the activity monitor.

The /Storage/data will not be backed up in one job, it will be split in to multiple streams (be it concurrent or not) - and this will be backed up by the standard type policy, not the datastore type, reason why the policy name is so important to be put in right.

Again I'm asking you basic thing here, but are you sure that you created both the standard type policy and the datastore type policy, and the names have been configured properly within DR backup parameter section?

Try increasing the parrallel stream count in the DR policy parameter, also make sure NetBackup policy names are right in there, case sensitive, no special chanracters...

Paste in bppllist output for the NetBackup policy and the snapshot of the DR policy parameter section, if you want me to check on them.


Level 2
"I have logged a case with Symantec few weeks ago. I have not received any reply from Symantec yet."

Their call support and logging system is truely amzingly bad, even severe cases take weeks. Every call I placed I have to start from null, explain again and again all my environment, even when i sometimes have the same engineers. But then it's the same here.. from this forum you hardly have any benefit as a PD admin, see the cases and the time there comes a comment, if it comes.

Level 3
The screen shot of policies is attached.

PD_Content_router: Standard policy

PD_metadata: Standard policy

There are about 11 netbackup jobs for PD_Content_router (ie: job that backup /Storage/data).

When Full DR policy used to work successfully, each netbackup job for PD_Content_router backs up about 70 GB - 80 GB

As I mentioned earlier, this issue only started happening since I started running Incremental DR backup policy.

When Incremental DR backup policy is DRFull is set to 0

When Full DR backup policy is at the moment DRFull is blank. It used to be set to 1.

I am not sure why this is the case. I haven't made any configuration changes to the system.

Level 6

You say both policies are of Standard type, but to me the screenshot looks like two different types of policies, one being Standard type and the other being Datastore type.

When you run bppllist (or any NetBackup admin commands) it's a good idea to run it with "-L" option.

Still no response from Symantec Tech Support?

If your case is already sev-2, then call Symantec Tech Support and ask for live xfer to engineer, don't just keep sending emails.

You (or your company) already paid for the support contract, you are entitled to a good phone/email support, so if Symantec does not respond, stay on phone until you get an engineer.


Level 3
Sorry about the typo.

It should be

PD_Content_router: Standard policy

PD_metadata: datastore policy

Level 3
Try the following steps, if you have similar problem.

1) To check the value of DRFull Paramater in policy #7 (DR Full Backup)

/opt/pddb/bin/psql -U pddb ca -c "select * from policyparam where policy=7"

2) If it is empty, set the value to 1

/opt/pddb/bin/psql -U pddb ca -c "update policyparam set value=1 where key='DRFull' and policyid='7'"

3) Confirm DRFull is set to 1 for Full DR backup policy

/opt/pddb/bin/psql -U pddb ca -c "select * from policyparam where policy=7"

4) Run Full DR backup policy to confirm it is successful