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HOW TO:list of tape with images expired ?

Level 2

hello, how to create a list of the tapes with the images now expired from the command line?

I have NetBackup 7.1 on Windows 2008




Level 6

What exactly are you looking for?

Media that you can *now* use to backup to (essentially 'scratch')?

Media on which the data has expired but they've yet to be unassigned (not quite 'scratch'...yet)?

Are you looking for an image that's expired as you need to import it in order to restore?

Something else?


As it's hard to report on something that's no longer there (e.g. expired images), depending on exactly what it is you're looking for will determine what we could (or in some instances, probably couldn't) suggest.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

With difficulty  --- media database (in EMM) and image database keeps record of Assigned Tapes with expiration date in the future. As soon as all images have expired, media entries are removed from mediaDB and image db during the next Image Cleanup cycle.

Tape Summary Report (in Verbose mode) is handy to see when tapes are due to expire.
From cmd:  bpmedialist -summary -v

If you go to the Media section of the GUI and sort by Assign Time column, you will see which tapes are expired / not Assigned. Will have to think about this one from cmd....

Level 6
Employee Accredited


Hoping you are on unix/ linux
vmquery -a -w |awk '{print $1 " " $20}' |grep -v 00/00/0000 |grep -v media |grep -v ID |grep -v \-

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

I think the Available Media tool does this for you:

\netbackup\bin\goodies\available_media.cmd >c:\available_media.txt


Level 6

there are a lot of options available from excellent sources - it just depends on what you want!

Level 2

i have a netbackup 7.1,backs up every night with retention 2 Months.

Every day I check (console) the NBM->Report->TapeReport->List of tapes

I chek Status and Expiration DAY and I change or insert Tape full or contenent image expired.

I'd like to create a txt file with the list of tapes containing the image expired and tapes full and send it by email.


I have only expired on image Not on tape

NB :I'm sorry for English, I'm translating with google :(



Level 6

is what Marianne suggested earlier (bpmedialist -summary -v). Is that all you needed or is there more work that needs to be done on the output?


Just noticed as this post was saving that you're using one of the GUI reports:

Every day I check (console) the NBM->Report->TapeReport->List of tapes

There are command line equivalents for all (?) of these:

DOCUMENTATION: The command line equivalents for running the NetBackup reports available in the NetBackup user interface

& it looks like is the last one:

Volume detail (vmquery)
There is no NetBackup GUI equivalent for the Volume detail report. This is a command line method to get details for all tapes or a specific tape.  This can be used as a complement to other Media reports.
# cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin
# ./vmquery -a
# ./vmquery -m <media_id>

but the output may need a bit of work.....

Level 6

Did you manage to find or fabricate a report that met your needs?

Level 6


The List of media can be get from availablemedia command

The Medis ID can be got from first field and do vmquery command for the expiration date.

All the above suggestions are nice.