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Move BasicDisc Staging between Mediaserver?

Level 3

Hi there,

Is it possible to move a BasicDisk Staging Area from one mediaserver to another mediaserver without loosing the data on it? For example, if the mediaserver fails, could i mount the disk on another mediaserver and use it's contents?

thanks a lot



Level 6

I believe you can import the images but you can't use them as is.  The media server's name is in the catalog entry for the image.

If the mount point was the same on both the original and new media server, you might be able to get away with adding a host entry for the old server pointing to the new one.  I haven't tested this though.

Partner    VIP   

You need to import the disk images into the catalog. There is a procedure that describe the steps involved.

Article URL

(pls note - first time you click on the link it may bring you to the product main page - second time it will bring you to the right tech note)

Level 6

You can not use directly by just mounting the disk to another media server . Because what ever the backup's you have taken it will refer to the old media server .

What ever the images are there you need to import after adding the disk into the new server .

If you have huge data in the old media server then it may take long time for importing instead of that its better to resolve the issue or rebuild the same server and install and configure media server and start using the same server .....



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



If its a planned activity (and you have tape drives) stage everything to tape and clean it out. Then move the disk to the new media. If you dont have tape the only option is to import. To get around the issue with the media servers changing, you could remove the storage from the server, then expire all the images that reside on it with bpexpdate -justimage. That will only remove the entries in the catalog. You can then add the disk to the new server and import (but that could take a while)


If its a failure and you need to add the disk to a already configured media server I would use the same process (bpexpdate -justimage)


Be sure to take care when playing around with bpexpdate!! Do a simulation first :)