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NB 5.1 MP3 to NB 6.0 MP2

Level 3
I've done a lot of reading on this as AFAICT, the bit that's a little tricky potentially is nbpushdata. I read here:湫 that it's best to have a clean up of NB 5.1 prior to the upgrade to avoid possible nbpushdata errors. Does anyone know exactly what kind of clean-up is meant?

Level 6
I think mostly you'll just want to make sure everything is as accurate as possible. If you have old library's out there that are not used any longer, media that is assigned to a media server that no longer exists, etc., clean that stuff up before pushing garbage data to the EMM.

My $0.02,

Level 6
If you call support and let them know you want to do this, they will give you some good tips/things to check.

Level 3
Thanks Lance and Aaron. All media are correctly assigned and no old libraries unaccounted for. I'll give support a call as well (though I have a little less faith than perhaps you do: last time I called them I had a problem, knew why and explained why it was happening, but wondered if they had plans to fix it; after 3 weeks, they closed the call with the explanation that I'd given them when I first opened the call and ignored the actual reason for my call in the first place!).

Level 6
That's why we are here :)

Level 6
This is true! :) By the way, congrats Bob on reaching Master status!

Level 3
Seconded. :)