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NBU7.0 -- SRT image creation fails in solaris sparc 10 5/08 OS

Level 3


I am able to create SRT but when i try to create SRT image it is giving below error...
root@sparc # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bmrsrtadm
Select one of the following options:
    1.  Create a new Shared Resource Tree.
    2.  Create a new CD image based Shared Resource Tree.
    3.  Copy an existing Shared Resource Tree to a new location.
    4.  Import a Shared Resource Tree.
    5.  Modify an existing Shared Resource Tree.
    6.  Delete an existing Shared Resource Tree.
    7.  List Shared Resource Trees available on this server.
    8.  Quit.
Enter your selection (1-8) [1] : 2
Enter the name of an existing SRT : srtsparc
Enter the name of the new SRT to create : isosrtsparc
Enter the description of the new SRT [srtsparc111] :
Enter the directory in which to place the new SRT CD image [/export/srt] : /export/srt/isosrt
Enter the CDROM device name [/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2] :
Please insert Solaris 10 media into the CDROM/DVDROM drive.
Press ENTER when ready (or CTRL-C to quit)... :
Computing space requirements. Please wait...
Enter the name of a Partition of size 382,080 or more blocks : /data
All data on /data will be lost. Do you want to continue? (y/n) [y] : y
Extracting vtoc...
Extracting boot slices...
Creating ISO 9660 image from /export/srt/srtsparc...
Truncating slice 0...
Padding slice 0...
Building slice 1...
the command mkfs failed
[Error] V-125-604 Cannot create CD image.
Cleaning up....
Can anyone help me in solving the above issue..

Level 2

Hi Sumit

Please can you let me know the following details:

NBU version and Solaris OS update on the Master Server , Boot Server and Client in your setup.

Also there is a possibility that the Media that you are using to create the Media SRT might be bad.

You can try the following commands which are idependent of BMR to identify if the Media has gone bad

1. etc/init.d/volmgt start
2. ps -def | grep vold
3. mount
4. ls -l /cdrom/sol_10_807_sparc/s1
5. du -s /cdrom/sol_10_807_sparc/s1
6. echo $?
7. umount /cdrom/sol_10_807_sparc/s1

If the above commands display IO errors or busy then the Media might be bad.

In that case I would suggest you to burn a new Media image and try to create the media SRT using the new Media






Level 3


I have already checked on those matter like the Media or Dvdrom may be bad though I have gone through given procedure and found every thing is fine and the exit status also 0 for the du -s. Even checked for the iostat also I have not found any increament of the error count on s/w h/w or trn 

nbu sever and client both version are 7 

my Master/Media server on solaris 10 5/08 x86

and the client and the boot server is on  solaris 10 5/08 sun4v 




Level 2


I think that it would be a good option to create a Media SRT with a new Media instead of using the old Media.

If the issue persists I would suggest you to open a titan case through front line helpdesk.




Level 3


I have tried with diffirent media but the prob is still there. Can anyone focus on that if is there any known issues or tech-note on this specific version. 

Thanks in advance 



Level 6


>> Enter the name of a Partition of size 382,080 or more blocks : /data

The problem is not with the media but instead BMR ISO creation is failing on temporary created volume (/data) while creating file system on top of it.

bmrsrtadm debug level 6 log can throw more light on this error.

I would suggest trying with some other partition than /data if possible.




Level 3


I have changed the volume as you suggested. I have created a new slice on a diffirent disk and mounted under /abcd . 

Then I have tried srt iso creation but it is failing in the same way

Here I am attaching the debug level 6 log .

Please have a look 



Thanks and Regards


Level 6


Here is failure point from the log.

BMR is failing to read this file where image has been DDed.

03/23/11 12:02:31.448 [mkCDImagePlat.cpp:makeCDImage()] Failure opening /\/export/iso/bmr.18848/bmr.log.18848
03/23/11 12:02:31.448 [mkCDImagePlat.cpp:makeCDImage()] Exiting, line=2674, rc=BMR_FAIL
03/23/11 12:02:31.448 [Error] V-125-604 Cannot create CD image.


I recommend you to open a Service Ticket with Symantec on this issue as generated logs are not sufficient to figure out this issue.

Opening an SR ticket will help to provide an instrumented binary to get more details on this failure.

