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Netbackup - Licence issue when restoring SQL DB

Level 4

I get the error in the follwing link when trying to restore a SQL database, I have tried creating a new policy with this server name in it but no luck.

Any ideas?  As far as I know the licence I have should let me do this, but how can I check this?



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Have you opened the MSSQL Agent with "Run as administrator"?


Run this from cli on the client and post the output

INSTALL_PATH\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bplist -S nbu_master -C ora_clnt -t 15 -l -R /

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Please give us as much information about what exactly you are trying to do. Restoring to same or different SQL host? If different host, have you verified comms between destination client and the master server? Such as forward and reverse name lookup in both directions as well as port connectivity? Have you created altnames file on the master to allow redirected restore? If not redirected restore, please share all the steps you are following to initiate the restore.

Level 4

Hi, sorry found that the customer had not supplied us all their licences, please close this.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
So, how was backup done without Application and Database license on the master? This is the only place where Db license key is installed. Or was this a DR restore by different master server?