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Policy is running Twice

Level 4
Hello Friends,

I have a very strange issue on my backup. One of the SQL policy in my backup environment is running twice. Here I am explaning what exactly it is happening:

Policy Name : SQLDiff_Backup
The Schedule Time: 5:00pm

When it triggers automatically the policy is starting in the name of SQLDiff_Backup at 5:00pm and again it triggers automatically at 5:03pm with the name SQLDIFF_BACKUP ( in CAPITAL). But there is only a single instance running for application backup.

For resolution

1) I have deleted the policy and recreated.
2) Deleted the policy from CLASS file also.

But no help. So everyday in morning I found the backup is in connecting state even if application backup jobs are over. So everyday, I have to delete the backup with name SQLDIFF_BACKUP and then backup completes.

Friends please give me any suggestion why backup is automatically running with policy name in CAPITAL. It is really paining now.


Level 3
Partner Accredited

First which is the  version of your NBU ?

I think you should :
1 Copy your original policy SQLDiff_Backupand register the copy with  a name  SQLDIFF_BACKUP
2 Update the nbem job list with "nbpemreq -updatepolicies" command (NBU 6.x)
3 Verify the presence of the policy SQLDIFF_BACKUP with bppllist command
4 Verify the prediction : nbpemreq -predict -date mm/dd/yy 6:00:00 (choose the lnext day )
5 if it is OK, the policy in capital existe an is scheduled ! Delete it !
6 Try to verify again ...

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
What type of policy and schedule do your backup jobs run with? If you configure MSSQL policy, one job of automatic backup schedule and subsequent jobs of application backup schedule run. It is normal.