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Staging Schedule Setup

Level 4

Hi, After I set the Staging Schedule's Start Window to 7 days, I've got more 129 errors. The staging feature seems disabled. Why?

Does 7 days mean any time staging is allowed? What does the 'blue area' indicate? If I want staging being allowed any time, what schedule should I set?

Please help and thank you in advance!


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

If you want it to be really efficient set it to every hour during the full week window - drag the mouse from top left to bottom right in the window so that the whole schedule page is illuminated as blue

In that way it will check for completed jobs every hour

If there is not anything to duplicate it will just finish with status 0, if there is it will put them in the queue and, just like a policy, wont actually try again until the current queue has finished

This makes it almost, but not quite, as good as a SLP

Hope this helps

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

What did you select in the Attributes tab of the Disk staging Schedule?

Frequency or Calendar?  The default here is Frequency - every 1 week.
This is needed to tell NBU WHEN to automatically start the staging (similar to normal NBU policy schedules). The backup window (blue area) simply specify when automatic staging will be allowed.

See p. 249 of NBU 6.5 Admin Guide I for UNIX/Linux

Level 4

I want to let staging work any time as needed. What start window should I a set? 7 days?

Thank you!

Level 6

Frequency: 1 day

Start Window: Sunday 0000 - Saturday 2359


then it will run any time it needs to

Level 4

Thanks a lot. Please confirm this setting:

Frequency 1 days

Modify day:Sunday
Start time:00:00:00

End day: Saturday
End time: 23:59:00

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

If you want it to be really efficient set it to every hour during the full week window - drag the mouse from top left to bottom right in the window so that the whole schedule page is illuminated as blue

In that way it will check for completed jobs every hour

If there is not anything to duplicate it will just finish with status 0, if there is it will put them in the queue and, just like a policy, wont actually try again until the current queue has finished

This makes it almost, but not quite, as good as a SLP

Hope this helps

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

"Frequency 1 days" will kick off duplications once every 24 hours.

As per Mark's post, a frequency of '1 hour' will check once every hour during the backup window (24x7).

Level 4

Thank you both!

After I made the following changes, there were more 129 errors appearing. Staging seems stop working and no backup can be done. Please help!

Frequency 1 days

Modify day:Sunday
Start time:00:00:00

End day: Saturday
End time: 23:59:00

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Your frequency is still  1 days".

Which means that staging will happen only once in 24 hours (every 1 day).

Have you tried to change to "1 hour"?

When last did a staging job run? Cleanup can only take place after successful duplication.

What are your high and low water marks set to?

Please also try to run manual relocation to ensure that staging is successful (right-click on STU -> Manual Relocation to Final Destination).

Level 4

Changed the frequency to 1 hour and run relocation yesterday, but still got lots of 129 erros this morning. The high and low water marks are 95% and 5%.

Sorry I don't understand these:"When last did a staging job run? Cleanup can only take place after successful duplication." How can I check last staging job? What are cleanup and duplication?

Thank you!

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Your 5% is still way too low - NetBackup is unlikely to be able to clear it down that far!

Make it about 85%

Run manual relocation on the Staging units to make sure everything is duplicated up to date

If things still wont clear down then look for orphaned processes that may be locking it out - or reboot the Master and Media Server for a clean start.

You can run a catalog verify against copy 1 and then against copy 2 to see if everything that was backed up has been duplicated

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

"When last did a staging job run?" They show up in the Activity Monitor.

Ensure that you have admin log on the master. The duplication (staging) will be logged there.

Also ensure that you have bpdm log on the media server. Cleanup will be logged there.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

the staging duplications will have a policy name of  DSSU_storageunitname and show up as a backup in activity monitor - which will spawn its duplications - where storageunit name is the name of you storage unit

Level 4

Thank you much for the helpful info.

(1) Staging is still working. The last one was completed 20 minutes ago with exit status 0.
(2) The storage filesystem is 100% full with lots of old image files. That's why there are still lots of 129 errors.
(3) The last bpdm log was made in Nov.5.

Questions: (1) How did it happen? (2) How can I manually remove these old image files? The media/master server was rebooted yesterday.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Can you see Image Cleanup jobs in Activity Monitor? This should run at least every 12 hours.

Have you created admin log on the master yet? Please post as attachment.

Is the entire filesystem that is specified in the DSU owned by NBU?  i.e. nothing else stored/saved on the filesystem?

Please also have a look at these TN's:

as well as this post:

Level 4

Here are the settings for cleanup:

Image cleanup interval is 12 hours.Image cheanup interval - 12 hours
Catalog cleanup wait time - 60 minutes
Keep true image restoration (TIR) information - 1 days
Move restore job from incompelte state to done stat after - 7 days

I've manually deleted all the image files. Since then 129 errors haven't showed up in the last 5 hours.
Yes. The entire DSU filesystem is owned by NBU.
Admin log is attached.

Thank you!