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Tape drives confusion

Level 6

Hello Team,

The st drivers is the OS driver that create drive entries in /dev/rmt . There are 149 device entries under /dev/rmt but when i ran sgscan command then it shows 32 tape deivce entries only.

if /dev/rmt shows 149 device entries then there must be 149 tape drives configured at nbu end but it shows only 32 tape devices.

Secondly, if i want to rebuild the tape drives then what is the maximum number of target and luns i have to mention.





Level 6
Hello All. Maximum value of target in /dev/rmt is st@4f,0:cbn, so during rebuild of sg drivers what I have to mention in mt and ml. Sorry, very much confused .. that's why so much blogs and soo much confusing :(:(

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Have you deleted and recreated /dev/rmt entries??

I see this as the highest entry: st@55,0:cbn

55 is the hex number. The decimal number is 85.

But ACSLS sees 60 drives.

Please cleanup/dev/rmt entries before you rebuild the sg drivers.

Level 6

Thanks Marianne