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Vault only using 2 out of 4 drives

Level 4

Hi all,

I have recently upgraded the tape library we use to do our weekly DR Vault from 2 to 4 tape drives, but I am having trouble getting the Vault process to use 4 tape drives simultaneously. 

I have created the touch file VLT_MAXIMIZE_DRIVE_UTILIZATION_FOR_DISK in the Bin folder in the install location; I have checked that all of these drives are in the appropriate storage group, and that they all work. If I restart the Vault job, it is a different combination of drives that end up being used but it still only picks 2 out of the 4. Interestingly, if I try to run another vault job it will not use the two remaining drives but will advise that the resource limit has been reached (but this could be because the duplication lock cannot be assigned to the second job.)

In the Host properties the maximum vault jobs is set to 50, but I think this means the parent vault jobs rather than the number of concurrent batches for each vault.

The job advises it's doing 29 batches, 4 start but 2 of the spawned jobs advise they are awaiting resources, there are plenty of blank tapes in the library for it to use, the job even has one allocated, it shows >

awaiting resource MediaServer3-hcart-robot-tld-1 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.

             Operator action may be required. Pending Action: No action.,

             Media ID: DR0489, Barcode: DR0489, Density: hcart, Access Mode: Write,

             Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: MediaServer3, Robot Number: N/A, Robot Type: NONE,

             Volume Group: 000_00001_TLD, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A

In the above you can see the Storage unit resource that has been requested is MediaServer3, I have checked the other running batches and they all have different Storage unit resources requested so I don't think it's that? Is there somewhere something which is telling the vault to only process so much at a time as I am at a loss as to where else to look.

I am using Netbackup, the master server is Win 2003, as are 3 of the media servers, with one media server being Win 2008 Standard.


Any help would be appreciated


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Curious to know what happened with this issue.

Have you been able to sort out issue on problematic media server?

Level 6
Employee Accredited

What would be useful:

From the media server that is the robot control host tfor the drives that are AVR

scan output (in volmgr\bin dir)

From the media server that sees the drives in AVR mode (may be different media serevr)

tpconfig -d output

tpconfig -dl output

(again, these commands are in volmgr\bin dir).

When you added the new drives, I presume you ran the device wizard.

When you add drives to a media server, if that media server is not the robot control host, you must also select the robot control host at the same time in the wizard, else the drives are configured as standalone (= AVR mode).

When the wizard runs, it looks at the RCH, and effectively finds this :

Device Identifier: "QUANTUM D1H0031B11_LLA          "
Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Number of Drives : 4
Number of Slots  : 50
Number of Media Access Ports: 5
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "HU1340YK5B"
Drive 2 Serial Number      : "C38D27D004"
Drive 3 Serial Number      : "C38D27D008"
Drive 4 Serial Number      : "HU1310UY4M"

(this as you will spot, is the scan output for one of your libraries - note it lists the drives in the library via their serial numbers).

The wizard then finds the drive attached to the media server you're trying to configure the 'new' drives to, and it spots it's serial number, lets say it finds drive HU1340YK5B.

It then say, Oohhh, how exciting, I've sportted that serial number before, hmm let me go look ...

It then works out that drive 'HU1340YK5B' on the media server is also the same drive in the robot attached to the roobot control host, so :

Drive1 = HU1340YK5B   |  Drive with serial no. HU1340YK5B is Drive number 1 in tld(0)

So, the drive config is added to NBU, with the drive being in the robot at 'physical' position 1.

If the wizard is run with only the media server selected, then it finds the drive, but no associated robot information, therefore the drives is added as a 'standalone' drive, which corresponds to AVR mode.

This is a common reason that drives show in AVR mode.

Any reason, is if tldd on the media server is unable to talk to tldcd on the robot cntrol host - there must be connectivity between the two machines.


Level 4

Scan output from the master which has a virtual name of appnbu-v, which is also the robot control host:

C:\Documents and Settings\kbadmin>scan
*********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
*********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************
Device Name  : "Tape0"
Passthru Name: "Tape0"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 22; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E546000"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape2"
Passthru Name: "Tape2"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 24; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E546090"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape3"
Passthru Name: "Tape3"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 25; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E546094"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : ""
Passthru Name: ""
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 25; LUN: 1
Inquiry    : "ADIC    Scalar i500     636G"
Vendor ID  : "ADIC    "
Product ID : "Scalar i500     "
Product Rev: "636G"
Serial Number: "ADICA0C0028629_LLA"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: "ADIC    A0C0028629_LLA          "
Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Number of Drives : 6
Number of Slots  : 109
Number of Media Access Ports: 18
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "F09E546090"
Drive 2 Serial Number      : "F09E546094"
Drive 3 Serial Number      : "F09E546098"
Drive 4 Serial Number      : "F09E54609C"
Drive 5 Serial Number      : "F09E546000"
Drive 6 Serial Number      : "F09E546004"
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape5"
Passthru Name: "Tape5"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 27; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E54609C"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape6"
Passthru Name: "Tape6"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 28; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Y6AZ"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Y6AZ"
Serial Number: "C38D27D000"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : ""
Passthru Name: ""
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 28; LUN: 1
Inquiry    : "QUANTUM Scalar i40-i80  172G"
Vendor ID  : "QUANTUM "
Product ID : "Scalar i40-i80  "
Product Rev: "172G"
Serial Number: "QUANTUMD1H0031B11_LLA"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: "QUANTUM D1H0031B11_LLA          "
Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Number of Drives : 4
Number of Slots  : 50
Number of Media Access Ports: 5
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "HU1340YK5B"
Drive 2 Serial Number      : "C38D27D004"
Drive 3 Serial Number      : "C38D27D008"
Drive 4 Serial Number      : "HU1310UY4M"
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape7"
Passthru Name: "Tape7"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 29; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Y6AZ"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Y6AZ"
Serial Number: "C38D27D004"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape8"
Passthru Name: "Tape8"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 30; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Y6AZ"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Y6AZ"
Serial Number: "C38D27D008"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape9"
Passthru Name: "Tape9"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 2; Bus: 0; Target: 31; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Y6AZ"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Y6AZ"
Serial Number: "C38D27D00C"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape10"
Passthru Name: "Tape10"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 22; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E546000"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape11"
Passthru Name: "Tape11"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 23; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E546004"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape12"
Passthru Name: "Tape12"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 24; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E546090"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape13"
Passthru Name: "Tape13"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 25; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E546094"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : ""
Passthru Name: ""
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 25; LUN: 1
Inquiry    : "ADIC    Scalar i500     636G"
Vendor ID  : "ADIC    "
Product ID : "Scalar i500     "
Product Rev: "636G"
Serial Number: "ADICA0C0028629_LLA"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: "ADIC    A0C0028629_LLA          "
Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Number of Drives : 6
Number of Slots  : 109
Number of Media Access Ports: 18
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "F09E546090"
Drive 2 Serial Number      : "F09E546094"
Drive 3 Serial Number      : "F09E546098"
Drive 4 Serial Number      : "F09E54609C"
Drive 5 Serial Number      : "F09E546000"
Drive 6 Serial Number      : "F09E546004"
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape14"
Passthru Name: "Tape14"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 26; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E546098"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape15"
Passthru Name: "Tape15"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 27; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  H63Z"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 4-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "H63Z"
Serial Number: "F09E54609C"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape16"
Passthru Name: "Tape16"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 28; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Y6AZ"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Y6AZ"
Serial Number: "C38D27D000"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : ""
Passthru Name: ""
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 28; LUN: 1
Inquiry    : "QUANTUM Scalar i40-i80  172G"
Vendor ID  : "QUANTUM "
Product ID : "Scalar i40-i80  "
Product Rev: "172G"
Serial Number: "QUANTUMD1H0031B11_LLA"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: "QUANTUM D1H0031B11_LLA          "
Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Number of Drives : 4
Number of Slots  : 50
Number of Media Access Ports: 5
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "HU1340YK5B"
Drive 2 Serial Number      : "C38D27D004"
Drive 3 Serial Number      : "C38D27D008"
Drive 4 Serial Number      : "HU1310UY4M"
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape17"
Passthru Name: "Tape17"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 29; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Y6AZ"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Y6AZ"
Serial Number: "C38D27D004"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape18"
Passthru Name: "Tape18"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 30; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Y6AZ"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Y6AZ"
Serial Number: "C38D27D008"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "Tape19"
Passthru Name: "Tape19"
Volume Header: ""
Port: 5; Bus: 0; Target: 31; LUN: 0
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Y6AZ"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Y6AZ"
Serial Number: "C38D27D00C"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0

tpconfig -d from MediaServer3:

Id  DriveName           Type   Residence
      SCSI coordinates/Path                                            Statu
0   Drive000             hcart  TLD(0)  DRIVE=5
      {2,0,22,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,22,0}                                                       UP
1   Drive001             hcart  TLD(0)  DRIVE=6
      {2,0,23,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,23,0}                                                       UP
2   Drive002             hcart  TLD(0)  DRIVE=1
      {5,0,24,0}                                                       UP
      {2,0,24,0}                                                       UP
3   Drive004             hcart  TLD(0)  DRIVE=3
      {2,0,26,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,26,0}                                                       UP
4   Drive005             hcart  TLD(0)  DRIVE=4
      {2,0,27,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,27,0}                                                       UP
5   Drive003             hcart  TLD(0)  DRIVE=2
      {2,0,25,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,25,0}                                                       UP
6   Drive006             hcart  TLD(1)  DRIVE=1
      {2,0,28,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,28,0}                                                       UP
7   Drive007             hcart  TLD(1)  DRIVE=2
      {2,0,29,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,29,0}                                                       UP
8   Drive008             hcart  TLD(1)  DRIVE=3
      {2,0,30,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,30,0}                                                       UP
9   Drive009             hcart  TLD(1)  DRIVE=4
      {2,0,31,0}                                                       UP
      {5,0,31,0}                                                       UP

Currently defined robotics are:
  TLD(0)     robot control host = APPNBU-V
  TLD(1)     robot control host = APPNBU-V

EMM Server = appnbu-v

Tpconfig -dl from MasterServer3:

Currently defined drives and robots are:

        Drive Name              Drive000
        Index                   0
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,22,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=5
        Serial Number           F09E546000

        Drive Name              Drive000
        Index                   0
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,22,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=5
        Serial Number           F09E546000

        Drive Name              Drive001
        Index                   1
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,23,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=6
        Serial Number           F09E546004

        Drive Name              Drive001
        Index                   1
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,23,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=6
        Serial Number           F09E546004

        Drive Name              Drive002
        Index                   2
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,24,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=1
        Serial Number           F09E546090

        Drive Name              Drive002
        Index                   2
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,24,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=1
        Serial Number           F09E546090

        Drive Name              Drive004
        Index                   3
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,26,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=3
        Serial Number           F09E546098

        Drive Name              Drive004
        Index                   3
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,26,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=3
        Serial Number           F09E546098

        Drive Name              Drive005
        Index                   4
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,27,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=4
        Serial Number           F09E54609C

        Drive Name              Drive005
        Index                   4
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,27,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=4
        Serial Number           F09E54609C

        Drive Name              Drive003
        Index                   5
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,25,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=2
        Serial Number           F09E546094

        Drive Name              Drive003
        Index                   5
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,25,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=2
        Serial Number           F09E546094

        Drive Name              Drive006
        Index                   6
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,28,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=1
        Serial Number           C38D27D000

        Drive Name              Drive006
        Index                   6
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,28,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=1
        Serial Number           C38D27D000

        Drive Name              Drive007
        Index                   7
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,29,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=2
        Serial Number           C38D27D004

        Drive Name              Drive007
        Index                   7
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,29,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=2
        Serial Number           C38D27D004

        Drive Name              Drive008
        Index                   8
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,30,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=3
        Serial Number           C38D27D008

        Drive Name              Drive008
        Index                   8
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,30,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=3
        Serial Number           C38D27D008

        Drive Name              Drive009
        Index                   9
        SCSI coordinates        {2,0,31,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=4
        Serial Number           C38D27D00C

        Drive Name              Drive009
        Index                   9
        SCSI coordinates        {5,0,31,0}
        Type                    hcart
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           Yes
        TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=4
        Serial Number           C38D27D00C

Currently defined robotics are:
  TLD(0)     robot control host = APPNBU-V
  TLD(1)     robot control host = APPNBU-V

EMM Server = appnbu-v


Thanks all for sticking with this. The problem is still with me :(



Thanks for

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Unless I've lost the plot, these two drives ... their serial numbers do not appear as listed in one of the robots.
Therefore NBU will be unable to work out that they are robotic.

Drive Name              Drive006
Index                   6
SCSI coordinates        {5,0,28,0}
Type                    hcart
Status                  UP
SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
Shared Access           Yes
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=1
Serial Number           C38D27D000

Drive Name              Drive009
Index                   9
SCSI coordinates        {5,0,31,0}
Type                    hcart
Status                  UP
SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
Shared Access           Yes
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=4
Serial Number           C38D27D00C

So, for example, from the scan output on RCH, one of the robots looks like this, which I think is TLD(1).

Inquiry    : "QUANTUM Scalar i40-i80  172G"
Vendor ID  : "QUANTUM "
Product ID : "Scalar i40-i80  "
Product Rev: "172G"
Serial Number: "QUANTUMD1H0031B11_LLA"
Number of Drives : 4
Number of Slots  : 50
Number of Media Access Ports: 5
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "HU1340YK5B"
Drive 2 Serial Number      : "C38D27D004"
Drive 3 Serial Number      : "C38D27D008"
Drive 4 Serial Number      : "HU1310UY4M"

scan output is sent from the robot, so the robot is telling us it has x4 drives, but as you see, the serial numbers of the two drives I have listed are not there.

This is an issue on the library, the scan output is the result of a scsi command sent yto the library, ie. we ask, 'what drives do you have', and we seem to be getting back the wrong information.

The other possibility is that the robot info is correct, but the drives on the media server are reporting incorrect serial numbers, but I think this is less likely.

Level 4

Okay, I think I understand, I can see what you mean on the scan output. Oone drive had to be replaced by Quantum when I just had the two drives and that did work eventually, but two of the media servers will happily use all 4 drives, does this still point to a fault with the robot being more likely than a fault with the media servers?


Level 4

I have looked up the serial numbers of the drives from the library web gui and attached them You can see that the library is giving out the P-SN for 2 of the drives and the L-SN for the other two, which is why they are not being recognised by some of the media servers I think.

Anyway thank you all for your help in getting closer to a fix for this, at least we know now what the cause is.

Am re-opening the case I had with Quantum as it was closed previously.




Level 6
Employee Accredited

I'm confident (famous last words) in my previous post .

I suspect, or perhaps it would be interesting to see what the config for the working media servers shows, do they have the correct serial numbers for all drives. Config is static, once configured it shouldn't change, so if the s. numbers were correct when the working media servers were configured, but were presented differently when the non working media servers were configured then this could explain things perhaps, as long as the working media servers are not reconfigured, they will continue to work.